7 Common Skin Diseases a Guinea Pig may Have

Guinea pig is a popular choice for pet lovers, as it is an easy mammal to care for. It does not require a lot of money for its maintenance. However, due to its low-maintenance, some people may take advantage of it with negligence and bad hygiene. As a result, the guinea pigs are exposed to skin diseases. Besides skin diseases, guinea pigs are also possible to get these common diseases of guinea pig.

There are some types of skin disease a guinea pig may experience. It will surely cost a very expensive veterinary fees and cause discomfort to the fur balls as well as affect its mobility. So, before you decide to have a guinea pig at home, make sure to be familiar with these 7 skin diseases a guinea pig may have.

  • Bumble Foot

Bumble foot is similar to blisters on our feet. Bumble foot in guinea pigs is a condition in which a guinea pig’s footpad become inflamed. Moreover it also develop sores or even becomes overgrown. If this condition left untreated, the infected leg may have to be amputated.

There are many possible causes of bumble foot in guinea pigs. The main causes include lack of vitamin C and wire floor caging. Wire floor caging will cause the excessive pressure on the feet.

Make sure you master the way on how to set up guinea pigs cage to prevent your guinea pig from getting any problem or disease.

  • Ectoparasites

All guinea pigs are hosts of fur mites which burrow underneath their skin. The mites usually occur in small numbers that do not affect the host, however, their numbers will gradually increase, especially when the guinea pig is stressed or having low immunity.

To prevent this case, you should keep the pig’s living quarters clean all the time.  Ectoparasites can infect other household pets too, so make sure everything in the house is sanitized as well.

  • Slobbers

Slobbers can be easily noticed if your guinea pig keeps drooling. Drooling can also be caused by hunger, but if it is not, then it might be because of slobbers. Slobbers is a condition where the fur under the jaw and down the neck remains wet. It happens because of the constant drooling of saliva and as a result, it causes dermatitis.

Slobbers is commonly found in guinea pigs of ages 3 and up where the upper and lower premolar teeth improperly meet while chewing food.

Slobbers can also be caused by dietary reasons so that you should make sure to feed your fur baby with a well-balanced and nutritious diet. A well-balanced and nutritious diet will supplement any lack of vitamins and minerals that they may need.

  • Fungal Infections

Fungal infections are often confused with mite infection. However, they are totally different. Fungal infection mostly affects the hair and top layer of the skin.

You can easily identify the dry and scaly skin on the ears, nose and feet. Sometimes, it also appears like dandruff on the coat. The most common causes of fungal infections are high humidity, age and stress.

Stress is one of the common causes of fungal infections. These signs guinea pig is depressed will let you know that there’s something wrong with your guinea pig.

If you suspect the infection on the early stages, you can use coconut oil as a cheap and effective treatment. Just simply apply it on the affected areas. Coconut oil is also famous for being one of the ways to make your guinea pigs shiny coat.

  • Scurvy

Scurvy is a disease commonly affects the guinea pigs. Similar to humans, guinea pigs lack the physical ability to get their own vitamin C. So, your guinea pigs need an outside source of vitamin C in the form of fruits and vegetables.

  • Cysts

Humans are prone to pimples, however, guinea pigs are prone to cysts. Cysts are pockets of pus causing pain, swelling and inflammation. Cysts most often occur on the jaw line, rump and the backs of guinea pigs, however, they can also occur anywhere on the guinea pigs’s body.

Never ever popping cysts by yourself. Instead, they should be seen by a vet. The vet will determine if it is a fatty lump or tumor. After being diagnosed, then the cysts will be drained or may require surgery to remove.

  • Barbering

Barbering is the pulling out hair by other guinea pigs or self-inflicted. This condition is mainly caused by boredom of a single guinea pig or behavioral problems in those housed together.

You can consider using environmental and hierarchy factors to handle barbering. Make sure to provide good quality hay as it will also improve the situation.

Guinea pigs are prone to many healthy problems, including skin diseases. The cost may be cheaper than dogs or cats, but visiting a vet would cost roughly the same price. However, you can also do some ways of preventing this to happen. Skin diseases in guinea pig can be prevented.

Cleaning the cages and feeding the guinea pigs with enough fresh fruit and vegetables will be helpful to prevent skin diseases in guinea pigs. You can consider giving these best veggies to maintain guinea pig nutrition.