Let’s Get Closer with Bird of Paradise

Bird of Paradise is also known as Cendrawasih belongs to Paradisaeidae family from Passeriformes ordo. They are found in East Indonesia, Torres Papua New Guinea, and East Australia. The King size is 50 grams and 15 centimeters, and adult Cendrawasih black sickle beak is 110 centimeters and Cendrawasih crestel-roll on 430 grams. Here’s a view […]

Let’s Get Closer with Bondol Eagle

Bondol eagle is one of all kind of eagle. This eagle’s size is medium 43-51 centimeters, has a width wings and round when it flaps. The head, neck, and chest is white and all of the body is brown, the end of the fur is black, and the toe is yellow. In their child, all […]

A View Things You Have To Know To Take Care Your Cockatoo

Cockatoo is a kind of ornamental bird with beautiful further and beautiful voice. This species is smart and cause it uses on zoo’s event. Cockatoos are usually live in high primer forest and Monsoon forest (South East Nusa), the shrub forest, and shrubs that are sparse trees and cultivated tress whose tress are rare. They […]