How to Stop Cat Excessive Yowling by Yourself

If you are a cat lover, you must be familiar with cat’s voice. They tend to use meowing voice to communicate either with each other or with human. While meowing is something you are familiar and probably tolerate well, there is one condition where cat produced sound called yowling. What is Yowling? Yowling is a […]

How to Tell That Your Cat is Crying

Cats often give signal to their owners through making meow sound or by purring. However, pet owner, especially beginners, tend to find it difficult to interpret what the cats intend through their sounds. Sometimes cats make crying sound that is hard to decipher. Actually there are some signals that show a cat is crying. Understanding […]

10 Reasons Why Your Cat Meowing Loudly

Cat has always been one of human’s favorites. It tends to connect well to human due to its laid back nature and generally manageable size. The distinct characteristic of cat is the sound they make that is often called as meowing. Meowing occurs on all races of cats. Persian cats, specifically, are known to be […]