Causes of Bloating in Cats You Need to Know

If you have a cat, then you will agree that cats are masters at hiding illness until the condition might become really severe. When your cat begins to show some symptoms, such as weakness, pain and vomit, then your cat should be taken to the vet immediately. You can take a look at these common diseases of cat. One serious condition a cat may experience is bloating.

Bloating in cats is a condition that can be deadly. Bloating can also be experienced by some animals, such as mentioned in causes bloating in dogs. Bloating can be caused by some reasons, such as overeating or having too much water to drink.

If this condition is not treated immediately, then some of your cat’s organs may be compressed. As a result, it may be very difficult for your cat’s body to function normally.

The symptoms of bloating in cats include drooling, lethargy, swollen abdomen and stomach, rapid heartbeat, lowered body temperature, shortness of breath, pale gums and others. Your cat may also get sudden weakness or collapse when the condition is getting more severe.

You may start wondering what causes bloating in your cats. Bloating in cats may be uncommon, but some kittens and cats may also develop bloated stomachs due to these common reasons:

1. Constipation

Constipation is the first common cause of bloating in cats. Felines who experience constipation will have a bloated abdomen and may even vocalize when they want to defecate, vomit or stop eating entirely.

Constipation is mainly caused by dehydration, due to low moisture food. Do you know that constipation is one of the symptoms of worms in cats?

2. Fluid Accumulation in the Abdomen

This condition is known as ascites, the accumulation of fluids in the abdomen coming from blood vessels, internal organs or abdominal masses.

It can also come as the product of liver or kidney damage. This condition may also be followed by some other signs, such as difficulty in breathing, loss of appetite, fever and weakness.

3. Intestinal Blockage

The proper passage of food may get interfered because of the objects that are lodged somewhere in the gastrointestinal tract. This condition will cause the stomach or intestines become distended. As a result, you may feel it as a hard mass in the abdomen area.

4. Intestinal Parasites

There are several intestinal parasites causing bloating in cats, such as roundworms and hookworms. The infestation by these worms is quite dangerous, so if you suspect this condition, you’d better contact your vet immediately.

5. Overeating

Overeating may lead to obesity and obesity will also cause the abdomen to appear distended. The texture may be soft and pliable, but when it is touched, it will feel hard and tight.

This condition may happen because cats tend to eat their food too quickly and become over-full. As a result, the stomach may appear to be bloated, however, this should be clear up as the food digests in just a few hours.

6. Pregnancy

Pregnancy can also be the cause of bloating in cats. Pregnancy may cause distention of the abdomen as the growing kittens and the fluid that surrounds them. Get to know the common signs that your cat is pregnant too!

Those are the 6 common causes of bloating in cats. However, besides those causes, there are some other causes you also need to be aware of.

Here are the other causes of bloating in cats and kittens like swallowing too much air while eating, blocked valve at the end of the stomach, indigestion and gastric dilation and volvulus – the condition where the stomach twists then swells.

Those causes may happen to both kittens and cats. Kittens may also experience severe stomach bloating because of the development of these causes:

  • Infection in mother cat’s mammary glands or uterus lead to toxic milk syndrome
  • Congenital defects
  • Too many carbohydrates in the dry kitten food
  • Spoiled replacement milk or abnormal cat’s milk
  • Improper milk replacement formulas
  • Viral infections
  • Insufficient good intestinal bacteria

Bloating in cats can be a serious problem, so once you notice any symptoms mentioned above, you need to contact your vet immediately. Your vet will conduct some physical examinations as well as some proper tests to uncover any underlying conditions.

There are also some ways to prevent bloating in cats too. You can ensure that your cat receives the correct amount of food. Review your cat’s diet and exercise too and you can re-evaluate if you think it is not appropriate and may lead to obesity.

If your cat experiences obesity, then read these following ways to deal with cats obesity cats-obesity. Moreover, do regular check-ups by having regular veterinary screenings.