Beware of these 5 Common Signs of a Dog that is in Labor

Knowing that our lovely dog is pregnant is really exciting! It means some cute puppies are on the way coming to you. However, the process before that is not that easy to do. Handling a dog who is going to labor needs a lot of preparation too. One of the things you need to understand is the signs of a dog that is in labor.

Giving birth can be a frightening and painful experience for both you and your dog. However, when you know and understand the normal labor and delivery, including proper pregnancy care, everything will go more smoothly. Let’s take a look at the common signs of a dog that is in labor.

  • Drop in Temperature

The first common sign of impending labor is a drop in the mom’s body temperature. The range will be from 38.5 to 37 Celsius degree. After the drop of the body temperature, the labor process usually begins within 12 to 24 hours after that.

To make sure about this, you can simply take your dog’s temperature twice a day by putting a rectal thermometer throughout the final week of pregnancy.

If you are not sure about the way to check it, ask your vet to show you. Moreover, if taking her temperature seems to make her stressful, then you need to stop.

  • Nesting

The mom starts nesting about a week before going into labor. Nesting means that she already choose the place where she is going to give birth. She starts to arrange the place to be convenient enough for her.

Besides, during the final week of the dog pregnancy, the mom may look a little restless and seclude herself in a quiet area. She may tend to scrabble in her bedding in the 12 to 24 hours before going into labor.

If it happens that you make a nest for her, then she may move the nest to another area of the house. Do not try to move it from her preferred location if possible.

  • Beginning of Contraction

The labor begins with the uterine contractions and it is considered as the first stage of labor. This can be painful for the dogs and she may start to become restless. Some of them may start shivering, digging, panting and even vomiting. This stage usually lasts between 6 and 12 hours.

While this sign happens, you have to make sure that you provide fresh water all times and create a stress-free environment for the mom. Make sure to provide towels, small blankets and newspaper for her nesting bed.

  • Physical Changes

The physical changes in the dog’s body will also take place. As the time of laboring getting closer, the dog’s mammary glands will appear to enlarge and milk may also present around 2 to 9 days before giving birth. Make sure you also know these tips on how to take care of a pregnant dog before she is giving birth.

Another physical change in the dog’s body is the swollen vulva. You may see a clear to slightly cloudy discharge. Your dog’s may appear to have bloated abdomen too, see what causes bloating in dogs besides pregnancy.

Lastly, your dog’s abdomen will be harden periodically due to small contractions. The contractions will be more tense and frequent. Her abdomen will feel like a bag of rocks and she may also experience dwindle appetite.

  • Behavioral Change

Besides physical changes, your dog may also experience some behavioral changes. As the pains begin, you may notice some behavioral changes. Your dog may start to become clingy and not wanting you out of her sight.

She may also start panting heavily, becoming restless and even shivering. Also read more about these important tips to take care of your dog before having puppies.

All she needs is support and love and comfort. If this is her first pregnancy, make sure you stay by her. Besides, keep other animals and young children from her too.

As a dog parent, you need to be really aware of these signs, especially if this is the first time for you and your dog to labor. Besides preparation for every single thing needed for the delivery process, such as blanket, newspaper and others, your dog also needs your love, affection and support.

After being successful in delivering the puppies, your dog may need some treatment after birth. Get to know more about the signs of post labor dog and tips to take care of mother dog after giving birth.