
8 Causes of Hoarse Magpies that Commonly Happen

Have you ever wondered what causes hoarse magpies? Hoarse magpies show a signal that they are not feeling well similar to common diseases in stone magpies.

Magpies are famous for their good vocal that is similar to types of small birds that have good voices. Once they sound a bit hoarse, it is better to examine them. It can be that they are getting sick or maybe having stress in their cage over their surrounding.

There are so many causes of hoarse magpies that bird lovers better put some concern. Some bacteria might attack their throat, which can affect their voice similar to some diseases that often attack canaries.

If you are wondering what causes hoarse magpies, here we have some of them on the list below. Let’s check them out!

1. Bacterial infection

Bacterial infection is one of the causes of hoarse magpies that commonly happen. Bacterial infection can come wherever to infect magpies. It can be from food, a dirty cage, or bad weather.

Bacterial infection in magpies is better to prevent cleverly. Start by cleaning the cage regularly, spraying it with some disinfected water, and serving clean food.

All of them could make the bacterial infection spread less around magpies.

2. Fungal disease

Fungal disease is one of the causes of hoarse magpies that commonly happen. Similar to bacterial infection, fungal diseases need to prevent as quickly as possible. Fungal diseases can make magpies’ voices start to hoarse worst from time to time.

Fungal disease can affect the magpies’ health which is similar to types of fruit-eating birds. They will not only be getting hoarse in their voice but also get sick from time to time.

Fungal disease can be prevented by cleaning their cage often. If magpies are already infected, taking them to the veterinarian can be the best option to prevent the disease from getting worst. Without the right treatment, fungal diseases can cause death in magpies.

3. Inflammation

Inflammation is one of the causes of hoarse magpies that commonly happen. This kind of disease on magpies commonly attacks their throat into their trachea. In the worst case, it can cause them to lose their voice.

Inflammation can be prevented by providing a clean cage. A good temperature for them also can be a good idea. If they are already getting infected by inflammation, it is better to get an anti-inflammation medicine.

Taking magpies to the veterinarian can be the best option to prevent the inflammation from getting worst.

4. Stuck food

Stuck food is one of the causes of hoarse magpies that commonly happen. Sometimes, food can be dangerous as well for them. If the food is too bigger for them, it can be hard to swollen.

Stuck food can block the airflow around the magpies’ throats. If the food is blocked into their trachea, it can be difficult to pick out.

It is better to bring magpies to the veterinarian to get the right treatment. Endoscope treatment may be needed to remove anything that is stuck over the trachea.

5. Goiter

Goiter is one of the causes of hoarse magpies that commonly happen. Goiter is a kind of disease that attack magpies. The symptom can be detected as the voice on the magpies sounds like coughing in the first place.

Goiter can be worst for magpies which brings their voice change or even can’t get their voice out at all. This kind of disease needs serious treatment from an expert.

Goiter commonly can be prevented by providing a portion of healthier food. Magpies need a good diet to support their voice. That is why choosing food that contains iodine is better to prevent goiter affect them.

6. Giardia

Giardia is one of the causes of hoarse magpies that commonly happen. Giardia is a typical parasite that attacks magpies. It can cause itchy on their skin, diarrhea, and make their voice hoarse.

Giardia can be prevented by cleaning the cage regularly. Spray the cage with specific disinfectant water that can kill giardia is better to do.

As magpies were attacked by giardia, it caused the sick, which triggered them to scream. The longer they scream, it makes their voice hoarse quickly. Treating them with medicine and taking them to the veterinarian is better to do to prevent them from getting worst.

7. Immune system

The immune system is one of the causes of hoarse magpies that commonly happen. Some magpies have a different immune system which can make their voice change. When their immune getting low, it can make their voice start to get hoarse.

The immune system commonly relates to magpies’ diet. It is better to provide healthier food to support their beautiful voice. If their immune system gets worst from time to time, it is better to bring them to the veterinarian.

The immune system of magpies sometimes relates to their DNA. Getting the right treatment from the veterinarian can be the best help for magpies.

8. Malnutrition

Malnutrition is one of the causes of hoarse magpies that commonly happen. Malnutrition can attack magpies anytime. Moreover, if they are getting low appetite or are more likely to choose their diet by themselves.

Magpies that have a picky food eater need to get the right treatment, or else they will get malnutrition. This kind of disease needs to be prevented as it does not only affect magpies’ health but also their vocal quality.

Malnutrition can be prevented by providing a portion of healthier food for magpies, which is similar to types of feed for lovebirds. Some food that contains iodine, proteins, vitamins, and minerals in a balanced amount will help magpies far away from malnutrition.

All of the causes of hoarse magpies above can be prevented. Mostly, it starts with cleaning the cage often. It helps the cage gets attacked by unwanted bacteria that might attack magpies.

Are you ready to get your magpies singing again? Remember to practice some prevention to avoid some diseases above.