Do You Know the Characteristics of Animals that Live in Savanna Biome?

The world consists of various areas that have certain animals and plants characteristic. There are aquatic, forest, desert, tundra and grassland. These can combine each other where one is quite similar to the other.

For examples such as savanna that combines dessert and rainforest scheme There are aquatic mammals and there is a long list of wild animals that live in the Amazon forest. So, what about the characteristic of animals that live in savanna?

Characteristics of the Savanna

An ecosystem consists of what grows in the area and what kind of animals that can live there. From the savanna feature, you can aspect these features exist there.

  • Abundance greens – The savanna has a vast green scattered tree, grass and shrubs. So there are also a wide variety of plant that grow and prosper there.
  • Two seasons – There are only two seasons in the savanna. There is the rainy season that it rains a lot and there is the dry season that can make anyone feel the heat. This also allow some animals to migrate.
  • Herds of animals – The savanna is home for savanna animals that typically come in herds or packed.
  • Warm – The stable area is common warms all year long. The temperature may cool off a bit during the rainy season and heat up a little at dry season.

As you can see, many types of plants can grow in the Savanna. So, there is a large animals species found in the savanna then anywhere else in the world. Here are some of its special characteristic.

The Animals in The Savanna

Where can you see a savanna area in the world? You can see it stretch from Africa all the way to America. There are much Wildlife to discover in the African savanna. With its grasses and trees, there are many animals with specific characteristic call it home.

  1. Herbivore. With the vast green area to roaming around, the savanna is a very popular place for plant-eater. So, you may see some zebras, buffalo, gazelles. giraffe and many other plant-eater animals.
  2. Predators. Where there is herbivore in the area, predator animals are not far behind. many predators walk around in the savanna, preying for its target. Animals such as wild dogs, hyenas, and cheetahs.
  3. Fast Animals. A large area is a great place to roaming around. This goes for the common herbivore and also the common predator that often need to run fast to either catching the victim or running to pursue a victim. Some of the fastest land animals live in the savanna.
  4. Large Animals. You can see many large-size animals that fit with their size in the wild. They are including elephants, deers, lions and leopards. They live in interdependence with other animals in a long food chain relationship. So, most of these large animals are also meat eater.
  5. Cattle Animals. People that live in the savanna-like the African, they try to make the most out of the large grass-area. So, you can see goats, sheep in a savanna biome. They will let their cattle graze as a free space and also a free source of food, before going home.
  6. Insects. The savanna is also a large home for various insects like these animals of South America. Some of them may migrate in the dry season, but there are many species that able to adapt to the savanna’s weather. Animals such as grasshopper and beetles can take advantages of living among the bushes.
  7. Animals below the ground. Tourist is attracted to see the land animals, while actually there are animals such as ants and hundreds of termites living in large colonies under the ground.
  8. Mammals. There are more than 40 species of mammals. Animals in the savannas include large mammals such as African elephants, and the native and tall giraffes.
  9. Birds of the Savanna. The characteristic of animals living in savanna comes in large-sized. this also applies to the bird living there. The ostrich is probably one of the largest bird in the world. They can not fly but able to run really fast. They live in a small group to find food together as well as to spot predator from the distances.

One of the main reason why there are a wide variety of species in the savanna is there is also a various food source that animals can find there. Some animals are suitable to eat the low grass and others can feed to the taller plants and even other animals.

So, have many different kinds of animals that can adapt really well with the savanna structures. This can be seen in the large African areas where there are many savanna areas that you can encounter.