Lipoma in Dogs: Symptoms and Causes

Lipoma, or better known as fatty tumors, are considered as fairly common benign growth in senior dogs. Lipomas are also found on certain breeds, such as Doberman pinschers, Weimaraners and Labrador retrievers.

It is because fatty tumors are easier to spot on short-coated dogs. However, it turns out that lipomas can occur on any dog breeds, including the mixed breeds.

As a dog parent, it is very important for you to get to know everything about lipomas, including the causes and symptoms. By knowing all of these information earlier, you can possibly prevent it from getting more severe.

Causes of Lipomas

The causes of lipomas in dogs may not be exactly found, even vets don’t know what causes lipomas to grow in dogs. Most cases of lipomas occur in middle aged and older dogs. Besides, the overweight dogs are also more prone to developing these lumps. 

However, there are some conditions or factors that may cause the dog to have higher likelihood of it growing on its body. Here are the factors that may trigger the chance of getting lipomas in dogs:

  • Poor Diet

Poor diet can lead to the growth of lipomas in dogs. Carbohydrates, chemical preservatives and other toxins that are found in processed food all contribute to the growth of fatty tumors.

Another important aspect of a dog’s diet is water. Avoid giving tap water to your dog as the chlorine may damage your dog’s thyroid and upset their endocrine system. Get some ideas about homemade diets in homemade diets to feed your sick dog.

  • Drugs and Chemicals

When your dog gets some health issues, such as fleas, ticks, heartworm and other parasites that may harm him, he will get treated by the vet. However, you should keep in mind that your dog shouldn’t get exposed to unnecessary drugs or chemicals.

Though it is rare, the exposure to unnecessary drugs and chemicals may lead to lipoma growth. Read more about most common fleas that will affects your dog.

  • Environment Issues

Your dog’s surrounding environment is sources of toxins. It is getting worse if there are some pesticides or herbicides present in your area. During spring or summer, many people spray their yards for some pests, such as ants, fleas and ticks.

Unfortunately, these sprays can affect your dogs too. That’s why most experts wouldn’t recommend using these kinds of products in your home or yard, especially if you have pets.

When you walk your dog in a place that is likely to have herbicides or pesticides, then make sure to wash your dog’s feet off with soap. This should be done to prevent him from licking or absorbing the toxins through the pads on his paws.

Other possible causes of lipoma in dogs are hormones, sun exposure to the skin, viruses, genetics and predisposition that has been documented in the following breeds: Shetland Sheepdogs, Dachshunds, Cocker Spaniels, Weimaraners, Miniature Schnauzers, and other mixed breeds.

Symptoms of Lipomas in Dogs

Lipomas are composed of fat that is surrounded by a membrane. They can be found almost anywhere in your dog’s body.

Spend time reading about lump on cats. It doesn’t only attack dogs!

The lumps are moveable if you press them gently. They are non-painful and will generally make no changes in the skin above them. Some lumps may be firmer to touch as well.

Dogs may develop more than fatty tumors or lumps. These benign tumors are generally not dangerous, but some may grow larger to cause your dog discomfort or even interfere your dog’s movement.

If you notice any growth on your dog’s body, contact your vet immediately. This should be done to make sure that it is not dangerous. Your vet can tell you whether your dog’s growths are harmless or a cause for concern.

Other symptoms of lipoma in dogs:

  • The tumors are often feeling rubbery, soft and smooth
  • Merging with local healthy tissue
  • The mass is often oval or round and well defined
  • If the tumor moves into muscles, there can be swelling
  • Around the neck, chest, trunk and legs are the common body parts where you can find it
  • In rare cases, this type of tumor may appear behind the eye, abdomen, or around the head

There’s no way to prevent lipomas in dogs. The only way is to keep your dog healthy as most of the cases occur in overweight dogs. Hence, healthy weight maintenance is suggested.

Find some healthy tips for dogs in simple exercises for your dog to maintain its health and ways to lose your overweight adult dog.