8 Unique Facts about Polar Bears, Believe It or Not!

Have you ever heard about unique facts about polar bears? Polar bears are one of the largest type of bears on earth that have thick white fur. Their white fur functions as a camouflage for their body over the snow. Other than that, the white fur on polar bears helps them to survive extreme cold. […]

The 8 Phases of Polar Bear Reproduction

Have you ever heard about polar bear reproduction? The polar bear is one of the largest types of bears on earth that live in the Arctic. Most of them are classified as smart hunter-carnivores in the Arctic. Polar bear is one of the animals that live in the North Pole which commonly gives birth periodically. […]

The 8 Largest Types of Bear on Earth

Have you ever wondered about the largest type of bear in the world? Bear is a popular animal with a big and tall body. Most bears can grow taller and bigger than humans. Even the smaller bear can grow up to 150 cm with 80 kilograms of weight. As one of the biggest animals on […]

8 Incredible Characteristics of the Honey Bear

Have you ever wondered if there are any characteristics of the honey bear? This kind of bear is also popular as the sun bear. Most of them are living around the tropical forest, similar to the animal in the Borneo rainforest in Southeast Asia. There are so many characteristics of honey bears based on their […]

8 Most Iconic Animals that Live in Antarctica

Have you ever heard about some animals that live in Antarctica? Antarctica is home to many penguins. The extreme cold weather in Antarctica becomes the best place for them, such as animals that live in the South Pole. Other animals that live in Antarctica live in the land and the water that surrounds Antarctica. They […]

8 Uncommon Animals that Live in Two Realms

Have you ever heard about some animals that live in two realms? Based on the geographic distribution of animals, two realms are categorized as the regions that cover the water and land area. Most animals that live in two realms commonly have a specific capability to live in both water and land area. They are […]

8 Most Common Animals that Live in the Desert

Have you ever heard about some animals that live in the desert? Despite the extremely dry weather over there, the desert is home to unique species of animals. Not only mammals and reptiles but also birds as well are living there. Most animals that live in the desert commonly have a specific ability to adapt […]

8 Beautiful Animals that Live in the North Pole

Have you ever heard about some animals that live in the North Pole? The North Pole is a land located in the Arctic that is surrounded by ice. An animal living around there, both in the water and the ice land, looks similar to some animals that live at the South Pole. Most animals that […]

8 Greatest Animals that Live at the South Pole

Have you ever wondered if there is any life at the South Pole? The area is covered by ice and has an icy-cooled temperature. There are spotted animals that live at the South Pole that is different from some animals in the Baltic Sea. The South Pole has the coldest and windiest place on Earth. […]

8 Common Diseases in Stone Magpies

Do you love stone magpies? In Asia, stone magpies are believed as one of the birds that could bring good luck. That is why they put some concern about common diseases in stone magpies that look similar to some diseases that often attack canaries. Stone magpies are classified as omnivores that eat insects, small amphibians, […]