7 signs that your cat is sick and needs attention

The first thing you should do with the sick cat is determining how dangerous the illness she contracts. This is truly not an enjoyable experience nor an easy task. There are a tremendous amount of disease cats might develop. In most cases, cat owners are often late to spot the signs of diseases in their cats. It is very common that they begin to notice on the second day or more after the first time their cats have contracted the disease.

However, they cannot be blamed for this. Even the most caring owner may fail to disclose the ailment. The limited mean of communication is usually treated as the sole reason. Yet, cats’ natural tendency to conceal any illness plays the bigger part in this issue. Given the fact, pay attention to any apparent signs of the sick cat and decide whether you can take care of it alone or need further care. Here, you are covered with the common illnesses that may inhabit cats. They are specified into the mild and the serious illness.

The mild illness

This category signifies a disease that is likely curable, which you can treat it on your own. However, it is still possible that the cat suffering this type of disease would develop issues that far more serious. For this reason, it is necessary for you to regularly check the sick cat after the first symptom occurs. And, do not hesitate to call a veterinarian if you feel it is necessary.

1. Eye irritation

If it occurs that your cat’s eye(s) become swollen and red, accompanied by the discharge that emerges from it, she may suffer the eye infection. The cause of this illness may vary, from a minor irritation caused by a foreign object to the serious viral or bacterial infection. The swollen eye may appear to be itchy for cats and it might not be a good sign. Yet, if the cat is able to open the eye completely, you may treat it by yourself. On the other hand, if the problem still continues after the first day and the cat can hardly open her eye or squint repeatedly, you really need the assist from a vet.

2. Diarrhea and vomiting

Another common disease besides the eye infection, both diarrhea and vomiting happen because of the infection located in the gastrointestinal tract. It is often the result of cats eating poisonous food or specific food they are allergic to. A cat food that left open too long may also become the cause. These matters are relatively normal since cats’ body would immediately reject anything that they consider hazardous once it comes in. However, if it seems that the cat cannot keep her daily meal down, she really needs more than just a home treatment. Even the slightest change in her condition demands a professional examination.

3. Limping

Cats might experience certain issues related to bones, joints or muscles. As the result, they are unable to walk normally; or for the worst, they cannot sustain their body weight. Sometimes it comes too sudden you may even don’t know the exact cause. Often the injury in cats’ soft tissue, such as strained muscle, produces this problem. Limping in cats may not be dangerous as its sound. If there is no apparent damage in cats and they can still walk despite the weak legs, you could wait for two days or less and the injury may heal on its own. However, if the problem continues and they are not able to stand, immediately seek a professional care. The same should be done when the reason is fatal like the collision with a car.

The serious illness

Unlike the mentioned cases above, only the experts can handle this type of illness. Unless you have sufficient equipment and enough experience, it is not safe to keep caring for the sick cat all by yourself. However, some knowledge of the disease would become handy when assisting the vet in determining the exact illness.

4. Breathing problem

The sickness that comes from breathing problem may become fatal to cats. Although the sign is subtle at first, the gradual change in your cat’s breath could wake your attention. Cats that are developing this issue may show some of the symptoms of breathing fast, moving their belly or opening their mouth while breathing and wheezing. There is a myriad of causes. Asthma, pneumonia, heart failure and tumor are some instances behind this problem. Therefore, once you spot some of the mentioned symptoms, you should bring your cat to the vet ASAP. Since her life may at its stake.

5. Problematic urination in male cats

When most of the female cats could restrain, all the male cats would ail an extreme pain while contracting this disease. The reason is the latter has a long and narrow urethra, while the former has a conversely, wider urethra. The underlying issue of blockage in this part may result in the bladder rupture. Then it may become far more serious as the disease could trigger other internal problems, such as cardiac arrest and kidney failure.

Cats afflicted by urination problem would have difficulty in excreting. Often the case that the quantities of urine they secrete are so small. The sick cat may hint your attention by vocalizing. Other signs of repeatedly licking the genital and defecating outside of the litter box may usually follow. Shortly after you notice the symptoms, immediately take your cat to the vet. Although the same problem in female cats is not severe as in the male, you might need to bring them too if their condition becomes worse.

6. Stupor or coma

A sudden loss in cats’ consciousness crucially needs an instant trip to the nearby veterinarian. This kind of situation may be hard to determine since you may easily confuse it with just a mere nap. Therefore, you can be sure if you find your cat seemingly passes out and only can be aroused with a strong external force (although the reaction that the cat gives is a little bit late). Sometimes, it may become a horror if there is not a single attempt that can successfully awake the unconscious cats. Even though, there are some cases cats could have a seizure and return normally after. The cause of this issue can come from the unstable blood pressure, viral and bacterial infection, kidney failure, brain illness or chemical substance in drugs.

7. Severe wounds

Aside from major problems like getting hit by vehicles, falling out of a high place or being bitten by other animals may produce serious wounds to cats. If it occurs to your cat, you should cleanse the wound straightaway. Check for the bleeding. The injury is likely safe if the bleeding ceases, whether after given enough pressure or not. On the contrary, it needs a further medical care if the oozing blood would not stop after a few minutes. The wound may become infected and cause swelling and yellowish discharge. Left untreated, your cat could develop more dangerous diseases that cannot be anticipated.