Watch Out These Symptoms of Low Blood Sugar in Dogs

Low blood sugar is not only experienced by humans, but dogs also get possibility to get it. Low blood sugar or known as hypoglycemia is defined as the condition of having low blood sugar. This condition leads to some symptoms that mostly relate to the dog’s energy level.

A normal blood glucose value is between 3.3 to 6.1 mmol/L. Low blood sugar in dog happens when the excessive glucose consumption depletes reserves of glucose in the body.

Sugar is taken in the form of glucose, is the source of energy for your dog’s entire body. When the blood sugar level is very low, the function of the organs and the brain will be affected greatly.

If it is left untreated, your dog might lead to unconsciousness and even death. Look at the other That’s why it is very important to know the symptoms of low blood sugar in dogs. Here are the symptoms of low blood sugar in dogs you need to watch out.

Causes of Low Blood Sugar in Dogs

Low blood sugar in dogs are commonly caused by underlying conditions. These conditions can be the process of glucose being removed from the bloodstream, inadequate amount of glucose from the diet and low production of glucose from glycogen stored by the liver.

Moreover, there are some conditions that become the causes of low blood sugar in dogs. Here they are:

  • malnutrition or poor diet or starvation.
  • delayed meal (for puppies).
  • overdose of insulin.
  • overuse of glucose in the body during pregnancy.
  • consuming artificial sweeteners leading to toxicity.
  • Addison’s disease.
  • inflammation of the liver – also get to know how to prevent liver damage in dogs.
  • pancreatic tumor.
  • excessive exercise.
  • certain cancers, such as leukemia, malignant melanoma and liver cancer.

Symptoms of low blood sugar in dogs

The symptoms of low blood sugar in dogs usually start from the mild signs of low energy. However, the symptoms can be upgraded to more serious symptoms very quickly if it is left untreated. Some symptoms are persistent while some others come and go.

Here are the symptoms of low blood sugar in dogs:

  • lethargy.
  • weakness.
  • slow response to stimuli.
  • increased urination or thirst – also read urinary incontinence in dogs.
  • weight gain.
  • muscles spasms.
  • decreased or increased appetite.
  • paralysis of the hind legs.
  • seizures.
  • blindness.
  • unconsciousness or collapse.
  • trembling.
  • exercise intolerance.
  • lack of coordination.

Understanding the symptoms of low blood sugar in dogs is very important for dog owners. If you notice any of the symptoms above, then you should take your dog immediately to the vet.

What Can You Do to the Dog with Low Blood Sugar?

The key of treating a dog with low blood sugar is by restoring the appropriate glucose levels in the blood stream. For dogs whose low blood sugar case leading to seizure, your vet might suggest you to feed corn syrup, sugar, fruit juices or honey to be rubbed on the gums. Then, a small meal can be give once the seizures have stopped.

A vet might continue to give small meals to the dog as it recovers. For the dog who doesn’t want to eat, the vet may administer intravenous fluid of concentrated dextrose.

The further treatment will be dependent on the cause of low blood sugar itself. If it’s related to some factors, such as diet and exercise, then your dog’s lifestyle should be changed.

Your vet might also advise you to add higher amount of fat, protein and carbohydrate to your dog’s diet. If you’re looking at the nutritious food for your dog with the blood sugar matter, you can see essential nutrition for diabetic dog.

Preventing low blood sugar in dogs can be done since they are puppies. You just need to keep an eye on them. Provide proper nutrients for your dogs on a routine schedule is also important to prevent this condition.

Have a screening for low blood sugar once your dogs have to do fasting, such as prior to surgery or anesthetic events. Make sure your dog also have sufficient amount of exercise too, just try these simple exercises for your dog to maintain its health. These exercises are fun and simple!

The opposite of low blood sugar is diabetes. Diabetes is no way better than low blood sugar as it has some effects too. You can also enrich your knowledge about exercise for dogs with diabetes.

When a dog experiences diabetes, it also may lose appetite, then you need to pay attention to what to do if your diabetic dog won’t eat.