6 Common Fish Diseases and Their Symptoms

If you are fond of keeping fish as your pets, then you will know that your fish are exposed easily to hundreds of bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections. Take a closer look at these common diseases of fish can have. Life in aquarium is not as easy as it seems to be. Those infections will […]

6 Common Diseases of Goldfish

All living things are possibly exposed to diseases, including goldfish. It is not fun at all to see the goldfish we keep is sick. That’s why it is very important to know and understand some diseases goldfish can have. When a goldfish is sick, it may show some symptoms indicating the disease. Continue reading this […]

Common Diseases of Fish Can Have You Should Aware

Seeing your fish getting sick is not fun. Keeping a fish as a pet is not an easy job, but it is not that hard though. Maintaining its health and happiness is your job as its owner. Once it is not happy with its surrounding, it will get stressed. Most fish diseases and illnesses are […]