Causes of Seizures in Cat Every Cat Parent Must Know

It is always nice and happy to see our cats feel happy and healthy. However, there are some diseases that might attack your cats and make them feeling sick. You can name the common diseases in cats, such as bronchitis in cats, arthritis and so on. Don’t you feel happy seeing your cat feels sick?

Another common health problem faced by cats is seizures. What is it? Seizures in cats are simply caused by the abnormal functioning of an area of the brain, specifically the cerebral cortex. This condition is usually noticed when a cat starts have her body shakes violently.

This is a serious condition and as a cat parent, it is a must to understand this condition. You can start by knowing the causes of seizures in cats and once again this is a very important information for you, cat parents.

More about Seizure in Cats

Before getting to the causes of seizures, let’s have a better understanding about seizures in cats.

There are two types of seizures in cats: generalized and focal seizures. Generalized seizures in cats happen when the entire cerebral cortex is causing the seizure and affecting the entire body.

On the other hand, focal seizure is defined as the condition when a small localized area within the cerebral cortex causing the seizure to occur. In other words, focal seizures are usually referred to partial seizures to specific parts of the body. You can also read the ways on how to care about dog seizure so you will get the picture of it if it happens to cats.

Seizures in cats have several common symptoms you can notice. The common symptoms are aggressive behavior, crying loudly to show how painful it is, salivating or drooling excessively, losing function of the leg and unable to get up. In most cases of generalized seizures in cats, they may lose consciousness, falling over, twitching and shaking in an uncontrolled way.

Causes of Seizures in Cats

There are some conditions leading to seizures in cats. The most common one is the toxin exposure. Toxin exposures can come from flea and tick medication, sprays, dips or shampoos that contain a chemical called pyrethrin.

This chemical is able to cause a cat to have a seizure. This chemical is commonly used in flea treatment products, specifically made for dogs and can be toxic to cats. Instead of using those chemical products, why don’t you consider these ways to get rid and prevent fleas on your pets?

As an initial response, the cats may have tremors, specifically the muscle tremors, stumble and start seizing.

Another reason of seizure in cat is head trauma. If your cat has ever been hit by a car, fall from a high place or endure other types of injuries to her head, then it may lead to seizures. Some other illnesses such as brain tumors, low blood sugar, viruses and parasites can also lead to seizure in cats.

In some other cases, cats experiencing seizure may also have epilepsy, without underlying cause to the seizures. Besides those reasons, high fever and infections are also able to cause a cat to have seizures.

Seizures in cats are mostly related to diabetes. Cats with diabetes can have low blood sugar that triggers seizures. Some other common causes of seizures are infections causing inflammation in the spinal cord or brain, especially in senior cats.

How to Prevent Seizures in Cats

Some causes of seizures in cats cannot be prevented, such as ingesting toxins. However, you can reduce the chance of your cat getting seizures from those, such as keep the medications, cleaning products, and essential oils from your cats away. Never ever give any medicine prescribed for humans to cats.

Diabetes is also a condition you can avoid. Don’t let your cat get obesity as obesity increases the chances of your cat getting diabetes. Try to apply a healthy lifestyle for your cat by maintaining the ideal weight and the suitable diet for your cat. You can simply consult this with your vet. Regarding to cat food, make sure you have these best nutrition facts that should be contained in cat food.

If you’re looking for the ideas on how to maintain healthy weight for your cat, read and apply these ways to deal with cats obesity.

Make sure to have a regular checkups to your vet so that you will be able to maintain and monitor your cat’s health. By monitoring your cat’s health, you can prevent certain diseases or infections earlier so they will be easier to treat.