6 Longest Living Animals in the Entire World

Do you have a pet? We feel sad if our beloved pets die, either die with or no illness. Turns out, there are some animals that have a long lifespan. Actually, what is the average age of animals?

Like their various types, the age of animals also varies depending on the type. Insects hold the shortest lifespan. Mammals such as elephants can live up to 80 years, while marine animals hold animals with the longest lifespan on average. What kind of animals that have the longest lifespan?

1. Turritopsis Jellyfish

Scientiststs claimed this animal can avoid death. The jellyfish that live in the Mediterranean Sea have a life cycle called ‘transdifferentiation’ which makes its life eternal.

This cycle makes the adult Turritopsis jellyfish not die, but instead turn into young polyps that will later grow into jellyfish, and the cycle goes on.

Despite being immortal, this jellyfish is still vulnerable to other predator attacks, given its size is only 4.5 millimeters. These animals use up to 90 of their tentacles to prey on fish eggs and plankton.

Even though it is from the Mediterranean Sea, apparently the jellyfish is one of the most dangerous marine animals all over the world, especially in New Zealand. Check out the most dangerous animals in New Zealand here.

2. Greenland Shark

Scientists found a 400-year-old male Greenland shark and a 392-year-old female in the northern Atlantic ocean region. With this discovery, this shark was then referred to as the longest-lived vertebrate animal.

To measure the age of these sharks, researchers can see from the shark’s eyes. Greenland sharks have a unique eye structure because they will grow the lens as they grow older. The older they get, the more layers on their eyes.

This shark grows very slowly, only 1 cm per year. Research reveals that the largest shark about 5 meters long is estimated to be around 392 years old. Greenland sharks’ primary food consists of small fish, shrimp, and sometimes they prey on other Greenland sharks (cannibalism).

3. Bowhead Whale

Bowhead whales can live for more than 200 years. This fact makes these whales the longest-lived mammal. Researchers have also estimated the lifespan of these whales by counting the portion of their eye layers.

The research said that the Bowhead whale is one of the largest whales in the world, with weights reaching more than 60 tons. Apparently, we can use a drone to measure the whale’s weight. How does the research tell about the using of drones to weigh whale?

The Arctic Sea and Greenland are home to Bowhead whales. Scientists even note that Bowhead whales can live up to hundreds of years without being exposed to the disease.

The only external cause of this whale to die is hunted by humans and Orca whales. In addition to longevity, the Bowhead whale is also famous for having the most massive mouth in the world, even though its size is only half that of the Blue whale.

4. Galapagos Giant Tortoise

Galapagos giant tortoises can live up to 152 years. However, in 2006, there were Galapagos tortoises that died at the age of 175 due to heart failure. Its long life makes it able to grow to 1.5 meters in length and weighs more than 225 kilograms.

The Galapagos tortoises have now completely disappeared due to the irresponsible exploitation because the tortoise meat is very delicious. The last tortoise died in 2012 at the age of 102 years.

However, the latest report says that scientists have found female tortoises with genetics that are very close to the Galapagos tortoise, and they believed that the tortoises are the direct descendants of the extinct tortoise.

Let’s hope that this tortoise won’t extinct and here are steps we need to save animals before they extinct. For brief information, tortoises are not the same as turtles. Anyway, what is the differences between turtle and tortoise?

5. Geoduck

Geoduck is a species of sea shell that is large. The length of this clam can reach up to 2 meters, and its weight can reach around 2-8 pounds for an adult Geoduck. Geoduck has a long life that can reach up to 165 years.

It is because Geoduck has no predators or other enemies. They just buried themselves and remained there until they died. This clam was discovered in 2000 on Adelma Beach, Washington. Besides Washington, Geoduck is also commonly found in Columbia and Alaska.

Geoduck is a popular food for foreign people. For example, in Japan, served raw as sashimi, in China, Geoduck is eaten by boiling it in a hot-pot, and in Korea, Geoduck is eaten raw using spicy chili sauce, steamed or made into soup.

6. Tuatara

Tuatara is reptiles that are similar to lizards. However, they have not included lizards. Tuatara is a New Zealand endemic animal. Tuatara is the only animal from the Rhynchocephalia group that still exists in the world.

The animals in this group lived during ancient times 600 million years ago. Therefore, this animal should be included in prehistoric animals that still exist today.

Tuatara has a solitary habit that makes these animals slow in breeding. Tuatara’s food is moths, beetles, crickets, and snails. These animals usually hunt their prey at night.

This animal is believed to live up to 100 years because its metabolism is quite low. Tuatara is also considered capable of tolerating lower temperatures and is more durable than other types of reptiles.