12 Guide to Buy a Healthy Rabbit for New Owner

Who’s trying not to get excited to see this cute animal, yes that’s the rabbit. Rabbit is a wild animal, but because of its beauty, then rabbit is cultivated and domesticated as a pet. Rabbit Is a very funny animal and has a very extraordinary charm, especially with ornamental rabbits. No wonder if everyone is very fond of having an ornamental rabbit as a pet and pet it in their home. Regarding the standard market price of complete Rabbit has been explained in the discussion of previous articles. Besides being cute and adorable, rabbits can also provide a fun environment for the owners. Well for those of you who wish to have as well as buy or maintain an ornamental rabbit, you should also have to know the various types of ornamental rabbits and how to choose a good and healthy rabbits.

Physically, healthy rabbits are generally rounded bodies, chest tends to wide, and meat as it looks stocky or solid. Feathers look clean, smooth, sleek, and shiny, and neat.

In addition, the behavior of healthy rabbits can be seen from the movement of the energetic (but for you who wanna makes your rabbit be more active so here are 7 Useful Tips to Make Your Rabbit Busy at Home), not glum and do not look limp. Well, for those of you who want to buy a rabbit then the following will be given some references for you to be able to buy a healthy rabbit for you nurture later.

1. Pay attention to the face

Bunnies that have keen and unyielding eyes, this indicates that the rabbit is in good health and condition, so choose a rabbit like that. Also check the nasal part of the rabbit, because if the nasal part of the rabbit is snot / water, it is most likely the rabbit is suffering from flu (unhealthy).

2. Look at your rabbit’s teeth and dental analysis as well as your rabbit’s nose.

Note also the rabbit teeth you want to select. A good or quality rabbit certainly has a strong but not sharp canine teeth. In addition to what I mentioned earlier, another part to be concerned about is the shape of the ear. A good rabbit’s ear is an ear that has an upright shape and stands on both sides, except for a loop-type rabbit. Because the loop type rabbit has a physical trait that is unlikely to have long, erect ears. Look around the legs of your rabbit.

In choosing a quality rabbit you should also pay attention to the feet on the rabbit. Because rabbits that have good qualities will certainly have legs with an upright shape as seen on a horse. Therefore when you want to buy a rabbit then look at first whether the state of the rabbit’s legs have an upright shape or not ? Need to be in the know because the shape of the foot is not good is the shape of the foot that matches the letter ‘O’ and has the shape of the foot widened outward so that this will degrade the quality.

4. Please Check the rabbit’s Body shape.

For a good rabbit and quality also has a body shape that is stocky and also contains. So if you want to see a rabbit with a good body shape, try to sleep the rabbit and look from the back position. Body of the rabbit when supine. A good body shape will have a circular shape. This shows that the rabbit is quite healthy in because full of meat. As for the rabbit body shape is less good will usually have a shape that resembles a triangle when viewed from behind. This shows that the rabbit is thin.

5. Look at the tail.

The shape of a quality rabbit tail is a straight tail form and parallel to the rabbit spine and upright if the note.

6. It is recommended to select active but non-hyperactive rabbits.

Active rabbits can usually be seen from his behavior that hobby jump to and fro and interested and happy with toys or goods in the give the owner. But you also have to be careful with rabbits that have a hyperactive character or like to attack other rabbits. Rabbits like this are commonly found in male rabbits.

7. Look at the rabbit.

Is it Friendly or not ? Finally choose a good rabbit and not a coward, especially with humans. It is easy to distinguish rabbits who are timid and not timid. Try to hold your hands in front of the rabbit, usually a no-nonsense rabbit will respond with pleasure approaching your hand, especially if there is a delicious feed in your hand.

It should also be noted that rabbits that are not cowards tend to be easier to treat and are good for breeding, as the rabbits tend to be more likely to breastfeed and more diligent in caring for their children, compared to rabbits with cowardice.

8. Buy a rabbit from a trusted cultivator.

Another option that you can consider is to buy rabbits from rabbit breeders. However, be careful because not all farmers provide proper care for existing rabbits or understand proper rabbit cultivation procedures. Unfortunately, there are some cultivators who just want to make a profit, and do not focus on proper care and rabbit cultivation procedures.

9. Buy a rabbit with the right age.

Rabbits should not be bought or adopted until their age reaches approximately eight weeks. At that age, the rabbit is completely weaned from its mother and can eat solid food. What you need to remember is, wherever you buy a rabbit, make sure the seller does not sell rabbits that are younger than eight weeks because they are not in accordance with the ethical practice of rabbit cultivation. The baby bunny, usually need some treatment from its mother so ypu can not buy it. (But, if you wanna take care the baby bunny so here are 12 Most Important Guide To Take Care of Baby Bunny Without Its Mother

10. Try to buy more than one rabbit.

Rabbits are animals who love to socialize and will feel very lonely without friends. However, it is not as simple as buying two rabbits or more. Keep in mind that rabbits are very choosy when you want to be stuck with another rabbit so it is likely that you need to keep some rabbits.

11. Check your rabbit’s rectum.

Other body parts that must be considered when going to buy a rabbit is a rabbit’s rectum. The reason, one of the diseases that often attack the rabbit is diarrhea. If the rectum looks clean, dry, and there are no signs of diarrhea, can be turned off the rabbit is healthy. However, if the signs are visible in the rectum, can be sure the rabbit is attacked by the disease.

12. Check out your Rabbit’s Tail.

Note also the tail. The shape of a rabbit’s tail also indicates the rabbit is healthy or sick. Generally, a healthy rabbit’s tail looks up straight, straight, and close to the back of the rear. Meanwhile, rabbit tail that is straight but leads to the side or backward, it indicates the rabbit is not healthy or have a disease disorder. Disease disorders that may be suffered by rabbits include kidney disorders, bladder, digestion, or liver disorders.

So, if you have to buy some rabbit for taking care. The other information that you have to know are 10 Steps to Build A Comfy Cage for Your Rabbit and 5 Easy Ways to Rabbit-Proof Your House