5 Natural Methods to Fatten Up Your Cats Quickly and Effectively

You may be wondering how to make your thin cat gain a significant amount of weight. Added to that, you may feel worried when choosing a commercial cat food since it may possibly contain some chemical substances, especially those that synthetically made.

There are many past studies stating that some chemical ingredients found in the cat food—mainly the inexpensive ones—can pose a potential danger. Some countries even banned particular chemicals in cat food. The real example of this case is the chemical preservatives called BHA and BHT. These substances are frequently used to keep fats and oils in dry food. Further inspection presumes the high risk of cancer in cats after the prolonged exposure to them. Another chemical that proven hazardous in cat food is propylene glycol. In spite of many organizations state that propylene glycol is safe if consumed by humans and dogs, the substance known for its ability to preserve moisture and flavor of foods is apparently dangerous to felines.

Even though most cat food products still consist of chemicals, they do not just become instantly harmful to your pet. The manufacturers that sell cat-friendly food are usually backed up by food association such as AAFCO. Hence, their products are proven safe for cats’ tummy. Although most of them are relatively expensive, they fulfill all essential nutrients assigned to cats.

Nonetheless, you may consider these natural methods as the alternatives to fatten up your cats if you want the change in your pet diet.

1. Check symptoms of any possible disease

If your cat seems like does not want to eat nor gain any weight, she may suffer medical issues that easily overlooked; or it may be just psychogenic issues that influence the cat’s lack of the desire to eat. You could solve most of the latter matter all by yourself once you find the cause, while the former needs immediate help from a veterinarian.

Psychogenic issues commonly develop from the cat’s environment and her food itself. Your cats could simply bored with the current diet or the food does not provide enough nourishment. Getting into a new place may lead your cat into depression. It is usually accompanied by losing the will to eat. Competition between domestic cats can also turn into the main factor of this issue. The most dominating cat could raid other cats’ meal. As the result, this cat could easily become overweight while others cannot meet their need of daily nutrients.

If your cat seemingly does not possess any psychogenic issue, underlying illnesses may lie behind. She might suffer a dental problem, digestive or kidney problem or other related diseases. Get to know some of them and take your pet to the vet once this problem occurs. Even the slightest knowledge on the illness and its symptoms may support your vet in minimalizing the illness.

2. Choose the suitable ‘natural’ cat food product

Despite many companies add chemical preservatives and flavor enhancers to their product, you still can find other products without a single chemical or synthetic ingredient. You may easily buy it on the pet store or the internet. However, as there are many manufacturers labeling their cat food with the word ‘natural’, you must know how to differentiate between the genuine and the false advertised products.

Do not confuse yourself with the word ‘premium’ or ‘gourmet’ placed on the package of the cat food. These often used to boost the market of the product. Instead, search for the word ‘natural’ or ‘organic’ along with a regulation written under the name of organization related to this matter.

The label ‘natural’ means that the ingredients are purely made of animals and/or plants. ‘100% organic’ indicates the products are free from any chemical, whether within the making or the composition. On the other hand, 5% substances composed of ‘Organic’ products are harmless, non-organic materials; and only 70-75% percent are organic sources if the cat food marked itself as ‘made with organic’.

The ‘natural’ product is an effective alternative to help your cat fatten up quickly. You would not have to worry since any chemical that gives less nutrition do not exist in this product. Conversely, this product offers a high amount of protein, which is essential in cats’ diet.

3. Safe food from the kitchen

Some food served for your family may also become your cat’s food option. Be aware when choosing it though, some are pretty toxic if consumed by felines. Here are some home foods you can feed to your cat.

Meat may be the first food that crosses your mind, considering cats are complete carnivores. Beef, chicken and turkey are rich in protein and they can supply enough energy and can fatten up your cat. Added to that, you could find them in most commercial cat food.

Take a note that you should give an adequate portion while serving the meat to your cat. While chicken and turkey are considered as a lean meat, beef stores much fat able to cause obesity if consumed excessively. In addition, it is not safe to give the raw meat to cats. You would risk your cat’s health from consuming living bacteria contained in it. Just scarcely cook the meat by at least 165 F in less than two minutes to kill the bacteria and keep the nutrients intact.

You can also feed chicken or beef broth to your cat. It can enhance the absorption of nourishment entering the body and raise cat’s appetite. Don’t serve with additional ingredients as human do and make sure it doesn’t have much sodium.

Fish, along with the fact that cats crave for it, this water creature undoubtedly holds many benefits for your furry companion. It produces omega-3 and protein that boost cats’ health. You can use fish as the main dish or supplement to other meals. Serve it in the same way as you serve meat.

4. Raise cats appetite

Sometimes the simple way to fatten up cats quickly is by increasing their appetite. Many owners may decide to change the current diet if the problem occurs. However, you don’t have to change the daily meal if you can depend on natural solutions. Catnip is known for not only its addictiveness but also its capability to stimulate cat’s willingness to eat. The green harmless herb contains a special property called nepetalactone. Once your cat smells it, she would walk towards her bowl and eat her food voraciously.

5. Treats in between meals

If you think the diet you give is not enough to fatten up your cat, you can add some treat between her mealtimes. You can offer a scrambled or boiled egg as the additional source of essential protein that can effectively raise your cat’s weight and grow her fur thicker. Fruits and vegetables like bananas, blueberries, apples (without the skin) and spinach store many vitamins, fiber and other useful properties that would also benefit cat’s various bodily function. Make sure you provide it only in small portion and as a mean of snack, otherwise it would become harmful to them.