6 Tips to Make Your Cat’s Fur Grow Thicker Without Side Effect

Had you hugged your cat between arms and find an enormous amount of hair glued to your cloth afterward? If it happened, your cat might suffer some furry issue that can possibly affect your cat’s well-being. Although cat’s hair, mainly the longhaired one, is prone to loosen, what is considered ‘normal’ will not generate a massive fur of ball or baldness to your cat. Nevertheless, you do not have to visit a veterinarian as soon as you are faced with this problem. Your cat can grow its fur even make it thicker by simply following these tips. Besides, it is side-effect free! Are you ready? So here are 6 tips to make your cat’s fur grow thicker without side effect

Read also: 3 Steps to Take Care of Cat’s Fur at Home Effectively

1. Supply Supplements

In addition to the regular diet, you can supplement your pet with suitable nutrients that are found within some specific food, namely those that contain protein, omega-6 and omega-3, vitamins and minerals. You can achieve a great number of benefits for the cat’s fur solely by the virtue of these substances. Some of them can be obtained from these foods:

  • Cooked egg yolk

While the egg white contains less nutrition, the yolk offers much nutrition including protein, vitamins and minerals. These nutrients greatly help the growth and maintenance of the cat’s fur and skin.

Supplying an egg has its own restriction though. First, you are limited to provide only three times a week. Feed it more than that and your cat may harbor an illness. Second, give only the yolk. Added to the lack of nutrition, the egg white contains an enzyme called avidin that obstructs the absorption of a B vitamin biotin needed for the healthiness of skin and hair. Hence, it is best to keep the white liquid away from your cat. Lastly, do not ever serve it raw! Raw egg can develop dangerous diseases including E. coli and salmonella. Basically, you are advised to feed only the food that has already been cooked, except for the cat food. Learn other edible food for cats to support its fluffy fur here.

  • Vitamins and minerals

Proteins, as the essential substances that play a significant part in the growth and the structure of cat’s fur, is surrounded by other necessary nutrients, namely vitamin and mineral. Every single vitamin and mineral holds a different benefit for your cat’s coat healthiness. Mineral such as zinc is important to the regeneration of your cat’s hair, while vitamin aids the appearance and the strength of both fur and skin.

In the end, lacking or exceeding daily nutrition may risk your cat’s health. Whenever your cat possesses a less amount of zinc within her body, it will inflict on the delayed growth of its hair, it even results in hair losses. Cats may also develop bald spots when its body does not have any sufficient vitamin. You should know whether the diet given to your cat has fulfilled the regular requirements. Do research on the number of these important substances contained in the cat food as well as any supplement you want to give to your feline.

  • Fish oil

The most popular supplement with both cat and human can also be used for enhancing cat’s fur quality. Fish oil holds omega-3 acid that can be found in some plants, such as canola and flax. Mixing it with omega-6 fatty acid, that is contained in chicken fat and vegetable oils can preserve skin’s endurance against inflammation. Make your cat consume it routinely once a week.

2. Control your cat’s nutrients

How healthy your cat depends on what she eats. You may inspect the diet if there is something wrong with your cat’s fur. Moreover, study the nourishment your cat demands. Take this example, cats’ hair mainly consists of protein. Thus, its requirement for protein is greater than a dog.  You are then advised to feed the same substance for the purpose of the fur’s healthiness.

Take a note that the applicable diet to make fur grows thicker should consist of an equal amount of carbohydrates, protein and fats. These are necessary for maintaining a healthier as well as a thicker fur.

3. Dedicate yourself to brushing routine

Hairs that are detached from its skin and stick between other hairs has become the worst obstacle that a cat owner has to deal with. Alas, if you want to make your cat’s fur thicker, fulfilling the desired nutrition within your cat diet would not be that enough if the problem still continues. The dead hairs, which come from the result of shedding, will be lying beneath the coat and hinder the growth of other hairs by leaving them no room to grow. You should take care of this issue as soon as possible. Otherwise, the dead hair will become mats or tangles, that may gradually combine themselves with litter and other dirt. Thus, they will produce a bigger issue as they become sticky to the cat’s skin and possibly nest any undesired parasites, followed by skin irritation and other various issues.

It is your duty then to prevent these situations firsthand by providing your cat a routine for the fur treatment. Once you remove all the unwanted hair and even parasites, a newly grown hair will fill the gaps that were blocked by the removed hair. Moreover, the old grown hair will spring back and be thicker easily. Keep it in mind that you need to brush your cat regularly. Otherwise, your cat may suffer losing more hair. Commonly, you only have to brush one to three times a week for a shorthaired cat and one or two a day for a longhaired cat. Learn how to properly brush your cat and recognize 7 mistakes to avoid when brushing your cat.

4. Bathe your cat

After the brushing session, you can take your feline to the bath in order to remove the remaining loose hair and flakes of dead skin. Unlike the grooming, bathing cats should be done in moderation since they have essential oils that may be lost on frequent bathing. Unless your cat wallows herself in mud or needs immediate treatment, you may conduct it once a month. You may have to force your cat on the first attempt to bathe, as most of them would be shocked at experiencing something new, including the water. Use a shampoo specifically made for cats, with the compositions that are harmless to its skin and fur. You may want to use a blower, but operate it from a safe distance.

5. Maintain the room’s temperature

Cats have their own mechanism to maintain a body heat and it is located in their fur. Their normal temperature ranges from 100.4º to 102.5º Fahrenheit. Once the heat raises over 102.5º Fahrenheit, cats will begin to shed its hair to preserve the body heat. You had better keep the house temperature in check, especially in the area where your cat spends most of her time. You would not want to see your cat sheds much hair instead of grows it thickly.

6. Don’t let your cat stress out

Last tips to make your cat’s fur grow thicker without side effectAnimals can worry too and a cat is no exception. Once this fluffy animal is under stress, her blood pressure climbs, leaving the nutrients sent throughout the body to slow down. It affects the fur eventually, making her shedding more hair. You should calm her down if this happens. One thing you can do is paying her a lot of attention. Give her usual treatment; pet her and brush her. It can make her relaxed.