Beware of These 6 Serious Reasons Your Cat is Vomiting Blood

Have you ever got panic seeing your cat vomiting something, like hairball or yellow liquid? You might feel relieved if your cat is vomiting those stuffs, as it still can be treated.

Cats have some reasons for vomiting, such as because of strange objects eaten or eating too fast. The condition is considered normal undergone by a healthy cat. Vomiting can be one of the signs your cat has food allergies.

However, if your cat starts to vomit blood, then there might be some underlying reasons behind it that are quite serious. If your cat is vomiting blood, it might suffers from medical problems and you should take immediate action to bring it to the vet.

Beware of these 6 serious reasons your cat vomiting blood. As an owner, you need to be aware of these reasons, so they will help you to decide how to treat your blood-vomiting cat.

  • Ulcers

It is not only human who can experience ulcers, cats do too. Their mucous membranes lining of their esophagus or stomach might develop open sores. Bacteria is the common cause of this condition.

They can result in loss of appetite, lethargy, dark stools, bloody diarrhea and pale gums. Ulcer is mentioned in one of the signs of pneumonia in cats.

If your cat is vomiting blood because of ulcers, bring it to the vet immediately. Your vet will be able to give a suitable treatment for your cat and it will save your cat’s life!

  • Heartworm disease

Heart worm disease is more popular among dog owners, but surprisingly cat owners should be aware of it as well. Your cat is possibly exposed to this disease. This disease is no joke, it is very serious.

Cats that are contracted by heart worm disease will suffer from a condition called HARD (Heart worm Associated Respiratory Disease). The symptoms of it are vomiting (both blood and food), coughing, asthma-like attacks, weight loss and loss of appetite. If your cat loses its appetite on food, you may try to cook some yummy recipe of homemade cat food.

Unfortunately, there is no cure or treatment for cats with HARD, so prevention is needed. Don’t let your cat get infected by heart worm disease. To prevent this condition, you can do prevention for heart worm in cats monthly. Your vet knows the best prevention for your cat.

  • Presence of foreign object

If you see your cat chewing something that is not supposed to be eaten, you should be aware of it. Foreign object in GI tract might cause inflammation and it might to blood vomiting. The most common strange objects are string and thread. So, to prevent this condition, make sure you keep these objects away from your cat.

A cat that has foreign object on its intestinal tract will block anything such as food to come through the tract. If a perforation or inflammation happens inside, there is a possibility of presence of blood coming out with the vomit.

  • Rat poison

Rat poison is extremely dangerous for any animals and children as well. A cat that digests rat poison will experience hematemesis and some deadly effects, such as loss of appetite, lethargy, excessive thirst and bleeding.

If your cat is suspected to digest any rat poison, bring it directly to the vet. Bring the vomit sample to your vet as well to make it easier for the vet to examine and analyze it.

Your cat will be able to get healthy again, depending on the severity of the toxic. So, immediate action is needed once your cat digests rat poison.

  • Feline Panleukopenia (FP) virus

This virus is related to canine parvovirus that is very contagious and deadly. It is well-known as feline distemper. This virus is also part of “feline” distemper vaccine.

That’s why it is very important to keep your cat vaccinated regularly to prevent this kind of virus. Vaccine is very essential for your pet, especially your cat. Check the these essential vaccines for cat and make sure your cat gets all!

  • Inflammatory bowel disease

It is a GI condition commonly experienced by cats. Food allergies and hypersensitivity to normal gut flora are the main causes of this disease. Unfortunately, in chronic IBD case, there is no cure found to treat this disease.

Besides vomiting blood, the cat that suffers from this disease might also experience some symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss, fatigue and depression.

You can also see some signs your cat has trauma if you figure out any depression symptom in your cat.

Vomiting blood is a serious problem for your cat. It is not as simple as vomiting food, but there are some serious health problems behind it. Be aware and attentive to these causes of vomiting blood and save your cat’s life before it is too late.