Sex Bias in Bird: How is the Conservation?

The sky would nothing but a large blue painting without its creatures flying on it. Did you ever imagine there’s no song from birds’ chirps in the morning? What would it be like? It would be an empty world, if I may say. In this earth, birds become of one the most inspiring and iconic creatures off all time. A lot of songs, a lot of art masterpiece was influenced by these wings creatures. Birds become part of earth live and human lives since the beginning to these days; certainly, we hope it would last forever.

Birds have varieties of species – both the wild birds and domesticated birds. For the examples of popular domestic birds are: lovebirds, canaries, cockatiels, budgerigars, Parrots (with all variants of breeds), caiques, finches, and many more. Don’t forget the magnificent species of wild birds, such as wetland birds, the beautiful crane birds, wren birds. Some other marvelous birds that unfortunately had been included to the list of endangered birds around the world, included: New Caledonian Owlet-nightjar, Atlantic puffin, the scary vultures, giant ibis, Philippine eagle, and kakapo.

Of course, there’s so many other species that I couldn’t name it one by one. But, yes, those are some of the names that able to represent the wondrous wildlife of this earth – our home. As the prevention of extinction, many birds had been relocated into the conservation. Inside this place, had done researches to solve reproduction problems and learn deeper how those birds true behavior and habit. One of the trending topic reviled by the researchers are the sex bias that apparently occurred in birds. The explanation of the study about sex bias would be share in this article: sex bias in bird: how is the conservation?

Sex Bias in Conservation

Sex bias in bird: how is the conservation? Apparently, a shocking news came from researchers of birds’ conservation about the fact of sex bias in birds. For you, my dear friends, who don’t know what sex bias is, based on Longman Dictionary sex bias is mistreat individuals based on their sexes. It could be because they are man and because they are women. So, this problem occurred in birds? Apparently, yes. Therefore, a deeper study had been made to solve this particular problem.

Unfortunately, sex segregation occurred in separate habitats and landscapes which also covered outside the breeding season areas was spreads in variety of animals from birds, amphibians, fishes, mammals, and reptiles. The fact is wintering territories of sex-segregation was indeed rarely part of the management of the conservation – especially for those less or small particular animals. Apparently, this due unrecognized of seasonal sexual segregation impacted to the plan of conservation of declining and threatened species.

Dr. Ruth Bennett an avian ecologist that also the lead author of the study from Cornell University explained based on her data base only 8% of migratory songbirds was acknowledged faced sexual segregation  by the conservation plan, and only about 3% of them – males and females – that actually included to conservation strategies’ development. She continued that this event (sex segregation) occurred in one to two-thirds of the birds’ species.

If this event keep happening, it leads to survival rate of sexual skew which reduce the effectiveness of population growth and population size rates. It didn’t stop there, in this situation it would contribute and affect to birds’ species population declines. You have to understand this, my friends, male bias in birds are the most common cases due the skew sex ration on the endangered and threatened birds from stable populations.

When, Dr. Bennett asked with Forbes magazine how she aware of this sexual segregation she answered that the first time she realized of sex segregation occurred in birds when she noticed females Golden-winged Warbler was in the valley around her house in central Honduras. Where is the males? Apparently all the Golden-winged Warbler males are up in the mountains.

At the time, Dr. Bennett was done studied of Golden-winged Warbler surveys due this particular species distribution across South and Central America. She did the surveys to get the data for winter conservation plan which about to build.