Ways to Prevent Your Ducks From Catching Illnesses

After chickens, ducks have become a popular choice for birds by breeders everywhere. By default, and in comparison to their other bird livestock companions, ducks have a strong immune system that does not allow them to get easily infected by harmful diseases and illnesses. However, a healthy duck does not guarantee a bulletproof immune system […]

Important Things You Must Know When Raising Ducks

There are some special things that you should know when you pet or raising ducks. Actually when you treat ducks there is no something difficult that pressed you because honestly treat duck is really easy. The things like food, cage, and disease therapy basically easy and beginner friendly. But still even treat ducks is really […]

7 Simple Steps To Take Care of Ducks For Beginners

Ducks is one of all animals which included on Aves. This animal usually has yellow feather when they were young and that yellow will transform into dark brown when they growth. Actually duck is so similar as poultry animal which raise in million For beginners who just want to take care of ducks, it is […]