13 Factors to Consider When Hunting Mangrove Crabs

Mangrove crabs are called what they are due to their natural habitats – mangroves – and their large exteriors. Additionally, mangrove crabs are also mobile on both land and sea. As for their exterior, male mangrove crabs have significantly larger claws in comparison to their female counterparts. These unique crustaceans are also a popular protein […]

How To Profit From Breeding Mangrove Crabs

The culinary world had explored and produced multiple irresistible dishes that is based on mangrove crabs. Interestingly, despite their rarity in the area, the USA has the highest consuming levels and demand for mangrove crabs. With a market opportunity so big globally, it is no wonder that people have chosen to raise mangrove crabs of […]

Introduction To Breeding Mangrove Crabs

Seafood lovers out there, put your hands up! We know you can’t resist the sweet juicy taste of shrimp, oysters, and crabs. Our crustaceans friends may take up a fight to open, but our seafood crabs are worth every struggle. Crab meat can be served in every kind of form, from cooking it with warm […]