Things You Should Do To Keep Your Dog Safe Playing Outdoors

Dogs need space to roam and to wander. We cannot lock them inside the house all the time. It is ideal to let the dogs out in your yard. They will have the freedom to play, to run, and to do their business outside. It is better for you to be outside when they are outside. Especially when they are puppies. Don’t leave them alone. You should attend the puppies. We never know if they encounter something which are dangerous to them, like snakes, bees or even dog thieves.

Your pets might like to be outside. However, you must want them to be safe. Hence we would like to give you some information regarding things you should do to keep your dog safe playing outside. If you think your well-trained dogs will be safe if you keep them outside, well….it is not a guarantee. There are too many dangers out there where we need to step up in keeping them safe. Let’s say they might experience with bad or extreme weather, poisonous plants or chemicals, and maybe dangerous animals. If you are with them, you will protect them from all those dangerous things. Not only that, the dogs might feel bored or lonely being left outside.

I would like to recommend you to read other links which will provide you with more information about dogs. Here they are, How to keep your puppies safe playing outside, tips to keep your dog happy playing indoors.

Here are some things you should do to keep your dog safe playing outside:

1. Pet proof the yard

Before having dogs, it is better for you to design your house in a way that you can let them play outside safely. If you have a spacious yard, and you let them play all around the whole yard, you might consider to install fences around your yard. Take consideration of your dogs’ size. If your dogs are small, ensure that the fences are low enough to the ground to prevent them escape from below the fences. And if they are big dogs, you should put high fences so they cannot jump out and escape from your yard. Clear all things or furniture near your fences as they can use that things as their jumping tools to escape.

When you fence your yard, choose the sturdy one. And to avoid the diggers get away, pouring a concrete curb or putting cinder blocks along the base of the fence would be good. Better prepared that regret. Avoid to install electrical wires or spikes near or on your fences as it is very dangerous to them. Do not tie your dogs as it might strangle them if they go aggressive. Check your fences regularly to prevent any worn off materials which lead to your dog’s escape.

To keep your dog busy and having a fun time in the yard, give them enough toys which they like. It will be more fun if you also play with the dog. Play chase and run with them, throwing a Frisbee or a stick for them to chase. And one more fun activities you can do with your dog is swimming.

If you have a swimming pool, you can teach them to swim since their early age to prevent them from drowning. And the pool will prevent them from heat stroke. They can cool themselves in the pool. And if you can train them good, they can become a safeguard dog while playing with your children. Isn’t it awesome?

Another thing is to make sure you provide clean and fresh water for your dog outside. High temperature might cause them dehydration, so water is one important thing for the dog.

There are some dog owners who like to garden in their yard. And dog’s presence might ruin their flower/vegetable beds as dog like to dig. Besides your arrangement in installing the fences, you also have to consider to plant safe plants to keep them being poisoned from your plants. It’s better to choose your plant chemical carefully. Dogs don’t understand if the fertilizer of the chemical you are using for your garden are dangerous for their health. Whenever if you have to apply fertilizer, herbicides or insecticides, remove your dog’s water bowl or food bowl from the area to avoid the contact. Let all the chemicals been dried up from your yard. Do not let your dog in the yard for until it is dry from the chemicals and it is said it takes around 4 days.

However, it is best if you can have natural, organic and chemical-free garden so you can prevent any unwanted things happen to your dogs.

Here is a list of poisonous plants for your dog. They are: sacred bamboo, choke cherry, easter lily, foxglove, hibiscus, almond, amaryllis autumn crocus, morning glory, mistletoe, milkweed, peach pit, hydrangea and some others.

2. Monitor the weather

Dog always loves to go with us wherever we take them. Especially if it is to go outside. Not only human beings, dogs also feel boredom and lonely. So, going outside is their opportunity to experience new things and to understand outside world. In spite of their likes to go out, they usually ignore the kind of weather they are experiencing due to their excitement being outside. Our way to cool ourselves from the heat is different from the dog. They might become overheated or hypothermic much faster than we might. Some breeds cannot handle heat very well like bulldogs. Other breeds with thin coats cannot handle cold well. We have to pay attention on their situation.

Huskies layered coats therefore, it is very well safe to keep them playing in cold weather as they are built for cold temperature. But for thin coat dogs, we can’t let them outside in the cold weather for too long as they can’t stand it. We should take them in if the weather is too extremely cold. And never ever leave your dog inside the car with the windows rolled up even if you think it’s only for a minute and the weather is not hot. This is very dangerous for them. Better leave them at home than in the car if you can’t take them with you.

Here are some signs which might be useful for you to understand your dog’s condition regarding hot and cold situation. Sign of overheating in dogs: panting, disorientation, bright red or blue gums, vomiting and diarrhea, collapsing, convulsing, noisy breathing.

Signs of hypothermia in dogs: shivering, muscle stiffness, low blood pressure, blank stare, weakness, slow shallow breathing or difficulty in breathing, hard to find heartbeat, dilated pupils and coma.

3. Health Control

Dogs who frequently go outside will have higher risk to be bitten by fleas, ticks, and other more. These parasites can harm their health, like Lyme Disease. That’s why you need to check your dogs regularly to prevent them from this illness. If your dog shows any signs which you think is not right, consult and check them to your vet.

Some other useful links that can be considered for dog owners are:

4. No Chain nor Run Loose

Don’t leave your dog outside with the chain to tie them up. Though it’s only for a short period, it can cause them harm. If they are tied up and something dangerous come close to them, they don’t have a chance to run and safe themselves. They can become panic and trying to run, but since they are tied up, they might strangle themselves or become injured by the chain. Not only that, the dogs who are usually tied up feel the loneliness and become aggressive. It can be dangerous to other animals and even to other family members.

On the contrary with the chain, it is not good as well to let our dogs run loose. They can run on the street and can be hit by cars or even hit children while they are running. It’s advised to keep an eye to your dog to ensure the safety of the dog himself and for the surroundings. If you live in a city where you don’t have the yard, be sure to keep your dog in your area. Nothing can ruin a relationship with your neighbor or community than a dog that can’t stay in his own yard. If your dog do their business in a neighbor’s place, they will be very unhappy with you and your dog. And of course, it’s ruining your relationship.

The tips above regarding things you should do to keep your dog safe playing outdoors hopefully will become useful for your knowledge in taking more care about your dog’s happiness.