Let’s Meet with These 7 Whales Around the World

Whale is one of the mammals that lives in the sea. Like other mammals, whale will give birth through its breeding season. Whale has mammary glands and even does not breathe with the gills but the lungs. Let’s Meet with These Earth’s Aquatic Mammals here.

In general, whales can be divided into two types namely toothed whales (Odontoceti) and toothless whales (baleen whales/ Mysticeti). Toothless whales also usually have a larger body than toothed whales.

Nowadays, there are very many types of whales scattered throughout the world. The following are some of the most famous types of whales from around the world because of their uniqueness. What are they?

1. Blue Whale (Balaenoptera musculus)

Blue whale is the largest type of whales. In fact, the blue whale is considered as the largest animal in the world. They can reach up to 100 feet in length and weigh up from 100 to 150 tons.

As the name implies, Blue whale has greyish blue skin. Even sometimes there are light spots on its body. This is one of its beauty.

This whale is a baleen whale which has no teeth. This blue whale population can be found in almost all parts of the world. However, the largest population can be found in Antarctica.

You could find some birds in Antarctica, here are 6 Kind of Birds in Antarctica.

2. Bryde’s Whale (Balaenoptera brydei)

The name “Bryde” comes from the name of a Norwegian Ambassador for South Africa who helped to establish the first whale hunting station in South Africa, exactly in 1908.

The largest population of Bryde’s whales can be found in tropical and subtropical regions. Bryde’s whales can reach up 40 to 55 feet in length and weigh up about 45 tons.

However, they are Mistyceti type. Bryde’s whales will use baleen to filter their diet including fish from the ocean.

3. Northern Bottle-nose Whale (Hyperoodon ampullatus)

Bottle-nose whales are also known as bottle-nose dolphins. This type of whale is the most famous and studied whale. This whale has teeth so that it is grouped into Odontoceti. This type of whale usually has a grey skin. Then, the snout of this whale even looks like a smiling.

Northern bottle-nose whale often eats a population of squids. This bottle-nose whale is also very abundant in Antarctica. Here are 6 Amazing Antarctica Marine Animals You Could Find.

4. Beluga Whale (Delphinapterus leucas)

Beluga whales are also known as “sea canaries” by sailors because of their unique vocalisations. Even sometimes, their vocalisations can be heard from the hull of the ship.

This type of whale is unique with a round forehead and a completely white body colour. This whale has teeth so it belongs to the Odonticeti group. Beluga whale will find its diet with its echolocation abilities.

The whale called the White whale has a large population in Antarctica. Unfortunately, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, Beluga whales become the endangered whales.

Beside of this white whales, here are 7 Adorable Mammals of Antarctica.

5. Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)

Humpback whales have long pectoral fins, so they are also known as “New Englander with large wings”. In addition, this humpback whale has a magnificent and beautiful tail. That becomes its appeal.

This whale is a baleen which has a medium size with a length that can reach up 12 to 16 meters and weigh around 36 tons. This humpback whale has a thick layer of fat.

Humpback whales are known often to jump up from the deep ocean to the surface of water. In fact, many people call it as an acrobatic whale.

6. North Atlantic Right Whale (Eubalaena glacialis)

Besides Beluga whales, the North Atlantic Right Whale is one of the most endangered marine mammals. At present, it is estimated only around 400 North Atlantic Right Whales in the world. This whale is grouped in the baleen whale.

This whale is also known as The Right Whale because of its relatively slow swimming speed. In addition, this whale will have a tendency to float when killed. Same with humpback whales, it has a thick layer of fat.

7. Fin Whale (Balaenoptera physalus)

This whale is also known as the fin-back whale. This marine mammal has no teeth, so it is grouped in the suborder baleen whale. This whale is the second largest whale in the world after the blue whale.

The length of this whale can reach almost 27 meters. Its body is quite interesting with a long and slim body. It also has a brownish grey body.

This whale population is spread in the Atlantic Ocean and Antarctica Sea. Sometimes these fin whales can be found in tropical and subtropical regions. Including the baleen whale, this whale eats small fish, squid and other crustaceans.

Those are 7 types of whales that are spread in the world. Some of them are even endangered. So, we have to know How to Encounter the Problems of Endangered Mammals.