Wild Animal

5 Variant Animals Found in Oriental Region

Have you ever heard about the Oriental region? It is one of the largest areas that covered some countries such as India, South China, Burma, the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia up to Wallace’s line.

The oriental regions have been subdued by four sub-regions to make the easier way for categorize some of the animals found in the Oriental region. Some of the sub-regions such as Indian, Indo-Ceylonese, Indo-Chinese, and Indo-Malayan.

Most animals found in the Oriental region commonly live in the forest that different from some of the animals found in the Palearctic region. Because the area is covered in the largest forest on earth that makes the animal some different there.

Even so, some of those animals found in the Oriental region are categorized as wild animals that may be dangerous to get close with. You may need some professional assistance if you insist to get closer to them.

If you are wondering what kind of animals are found in the Oriental region, here we have some of them on the list below. Let’s check them out!

  • Mammals

Mammals are one of the types of animals found in the Oriental region you can find them almost everywhere. Most of them are living around the forest with a mountain since they love to live in a colder area.

Most mammals found in the Oriental region commonly come from a different families. It is recorded that there are more than 30 families of mammals living there five of them are endemic mammals.

Some of the endemic mammals in the Oriental region you can find such as Calugo, tree shrews, and spiny dormouse. Other types of them have come from African animals such as elephants, monkeys, rhinoceros, bamboo rats, lions, and apes.

You can also find some of the unique animals found in the Oriental region such as the red panda, hedgehog, and Tapir that you can find in the Sumatra and Borneo Islands.

  • Reptiles

Reptiles are one of the types of animals found in the Oriental region that come with some of the endangered ones. Most of them live in tropical forests, which makes them can easily adapt to the weather.

Some reptiles found in the Oriental region become one of the most venomous animals in the world that you should aware of. Some of the typical venomous animals such as snakes, king cobra, python, crocodiles, lizards, and Komodo dragon.

Some of the dangerous crocodiles are found around the Sumatra and Borneo islands in Indonesia. Another one also found in South China such as the Alligator Sinensis. Most of them are dangerous so you need to be aware of their existence.

  • Aves

Aves is one of the animals found in the Oriental region, which counted more than 60 families all around the nation. Most birds there come with a different family from the common bird to the rarest one that can be extinct within no time.

You can find some of the unique and rarest ones, such as the fairy bluebird and monkey-eating eagle, which are found in the Philippines, and the whitehead’s trogon from Indonesia. Those types of birds should be protected since their existence becomes rare from time to time.

Other types of birds that you can find in the Oriental region such as peacocks, cattle egrets, jungle fowl, and Argus pheasant. Most of them are common birds of the eurytopic type that can be easily found around the region.

  • Fish

Fish is one of the types of animals found in the Oriental region. Most of them are easily found since the regions are covered with so many rivers and seawater as well.

You can find so many types of fish there that come with more than 30 families of fish that is different from some of the animals found in the Mediterranean sea.

There are some unique fish that you can only find in the Oriental region, such as mud-eel, mullets, and loaches. You can also find another one such as catfishes and carp.

Most common fish that live around the Oriental region commonly come during migration time. That makes you can see some of the fishes there in other regions such as from European and American rivers.

  • Amphibian

Amphibian is one of the types of animals found in the Oriental region. Such as other types of animals in other regions, the amphibian in the Oriental also comes from the frog and toad family.

Most amphibians in the Oriental region are commonly not as dangerous as the amphibians found the animals found in the Neotropical region. That makes them different from the friendly type of frogs that live around the region.

You can find some of the amphibians that live around the Oriental region, such as the flying frog, caecilian frog, tailed frog, and fire-bellied toads. Most of them spread in most regions such as India, south of China, and Indonesia.

So, there are some of the animals found in the Oriental region that you can find around Asian countries. Most of them are friendly but some of the wild animals are also dangerous well.

If you want to visit some of the countries around the Oriental regions and want to meet one of those animals, you need to be aware of some of the dangerous ones.

You may meet such poisonous snakes or other apes wild that may attack you. You need to get a professional guide to meet one of them.