8 Ways To Stop Rabbit From Smelling

Rabbit a pet that is delicate and has sensitiveness toward cleanliness despite being prone to get dirty by its own playful behavior. By that premise, it means rabbit is quite a chore to be maintained as a pet because, including their daily necessity, you have to take care of their cleanliness despite their behavior make […]

4 Ways of How To Keep Rabbit Cage From Stinking

While Rabbit is a sweet, fluffy and social animal that many people really interested to keep them as a pet. But please pay attention because rabbit is classified as high maintenance cost pet along with dog and cat. I will highly advise you to not buy a rabbit as a pet on impulsive emotion. Please […]

10 Guide on How To Keep Rabbits Cool During Summer Time

Rabbit is a creature that covers its entire body with fur, its fur covered all its body with exception its eyes area. By having that covered fur on its entire body, the rabbit will have a hard time to cool down itself against heat. Sure, few animal and human alike can cool down itself a bit by letting […]

9 Guide on How to Keep a Rabbit Warm During Winter Time

As an animal that having quite a fluffy fur, many people thought that the rabbit is quite able to resist winter cold by itself. This thought is quite wrong as rabbit still need to prepare itself for the upcoming winter. You, as the owner of this fluffy rabbit, will have to help them prepared for […]

4 Causes A Rabbit Not Eating Much But Acting Normal

Rabbit glutton creature, it is unlikely for them to not have a big appetite and will usually chew anything for curiosity or just to sate its hunger. Should you might want to provide them with more food stock by doing a simple gardening, You can read “How to Gardening Your Rabbit“article. But rabbit can lose […]

6 Simple Ways to Make Your Rabbit Love You

Rabbit is known as a sociable creature but given by their cowardly nature, you might have a hard time to make them love and trust you and should you handle it poorly. Rabbit is a high maintenance pet that requires much time and attention to make them comfortable and trust you. Expert Veterinarian said that […]

7 Guide to Bond With Your Pet Rabbit

Rabbit is one of the best pet including cat and dog. Here is 10 reason why rabbit is a great choice to be pet. But unfortunately bonding with your pet rabbit require great care, attention, and budget as the rabbit is not a low maintenance pet and naturally frightful animal. Especially because rabbit is easy […]

How To Read Rabbit Body Language

Although pet can’t talk to their human owner, they can communicate and express their feeling through body language, including your fluffy sociable pet, rabbit. They will do many expressive moods to show their mood, to let you know their feeling. Knowing your rabbit body language is important so you know what your pet rabbit’s feelings about […]

5 Must Know Symptoms That Your Rabbit is Depressed

Rabbit is an energetic and sociable creature. Happy rabbit may do the happy trick do binky trick to show how happy they are, or just lay down in a relaxed stance. To keep your rabbit keep happy is by keeping them company and play with them. Rabbit also feel lonely and might try to gain […]

Don’t Let Your Rabbit Feel Lonely, Here are 5 Signs

You really want to give much attention to your beloved rabbit, especially if you only own one rabbit. Its commonly known that the rabbit is a social creature that constantly needs to socialize with each other or your rabbit might get depressed. As their owner, you can fill the void of your rabbit’s loneliness. This […]