Does Your Cat’s Breath Stink? Find Out the Causes and the Remedies of Bad Breath of Cat

Maintaining your pet’s health is a priority, including paying attention to any abnormal condition, such as stinky breath. Some animals show that there is something wrong with their health through their bad smell breath. One of them is cat.

If you smell stinky breath from your cat’s mouth, then be mindful and aware of several possibilities. It is not as simple as the smell from any thing your cat has just eaten, but there might be some serious internal organ problems. Also make sure your cat is fed by nutritional food by following the ways on how to make a homemade cat food.

Let’s find out the causes and the remedies of your cat’s stinky breath.

  • Kidney Disease

If your cat’s breath smells like urine or ammonia, then your cat probably suffers from any kidney disease. This problem is commonly experienced by a cat which age is 8 years old or older.

Besides stinky breath, a cat suffering from kidney disease might also have some symptoms such as weight loss, urinate more often and in greater amount and more water consumption.

If you suspect your cat suffering from kidney disease, then bring your cat to the vet to go through several check-ups, such as blood test and urinalysis. The earlier you realize about these symptoms, the better prevention you can do!

  • Periodontal Disease

Periodontal is the most common cause of stinky cat’s breath. Periodontal is the condition when all the plaque in your cat’s mouth accumulate and the bacteria in the plaque will irritate the gum tissue.

The worst case of building up plaque in your cat’s mouth is the plaque can mineralise and get hard and as a result more plaque will be accumulated there.

If you don’t handle this problem earlier, then you cat might experience one of these side effects of plaque accumulation, such as teeth loss, bleeding gums and pain.

You might get some ideas on how to remove or clean up the plaque on your cat’s mouth by referring to the ways on how to clean tartar off from your dogs teeth.

  • Liver Disease

Having stinky breath might be one of the symptoms of suffering from liver disease. The other symptoms following are yellowing white of the eyes or the ears skin or on gums.

Cats which suffers from liver disease will also experience poor appetite, diarrhea, more frequent urination and drinking. Diarrhea is one of the signs of depressed cat. Be mindful of any symptoms your cats want to tell you.

  • Diabetes

Diabetes, especially diabetes mellitus, is a disease which attack pancreas area. If your cat’s breath stinks like fruity odor, then your cat is likely to have ketoacidosis, which mostly occurs in diabetes.

This is a serious condition that might be life-threatening for your cat. Consult with your vet immediately after seeing these symptoms.

  • Lymphocytic Plasmacytic Stomatitis

You might be wondering what kind of disease it is. This condition is associated with the presence of some viruses, such as leukemia virus, feline immunodeficiency virus or Bartonella.

A cat that suffers from this disease might have its gum shaped like raw hamburger. It causes inflammation in the gum and gives much pain to the cat. The cat will be likely to have bleeding and swollen gum and it will be very hard to open its mouth.

Then, the next question might appear in your mind “What should I do to my cat to cure the stinky breath problems?”. The simplest thing you can do is consulting with your vet. Your vet will do several check ups for your cat to know the causes of the bad breath. Other ways around to treat your cat’s stinky breath are:

  1. Brush your cat’s teeth to remove plaque accumulation
  2. Get your cat vaccinated to prevent the infection of some viruses.
  3. If your cat experiences diabetes, handle it with insulin.
  4. Pay attention to every food it eats, make sure they are nutritional and don’t make your cat’s breath stinks.

Besides the diseases mentioned above, you also need to pay attention to some other cat diseases such as these 6 common-diseases-of-cat you need to be aware.

And do you know that some cats experience anxiety when they are sick? You should know how to handle them by understanding the symptoms of cats’ anxiety.

If you want to find some tips about taking care a cat at home, you can see several tips for caring the sick cat at home for beginners and ways to treat your sick cat with home remedies. Home remedies are the best as they are easy and practical.