How to Make a Puppy to Listen When They Won`t

Big eyes, cute bark, furry face, and a long list of why we love puppies. We just can not get enough of them that we immediately say yes to adopt a puppy. Often the time i hear a question like “how to make a puppy to listen when they won’t”, because pet owners get exhausted when they do. Teaching a puppy as tricky as teaching a toddler. Lucky for you, I do have a few tricks up my sleeve. Read also Benefits of getting a puppy with an older dog

People easily blame the puppy for not listening, while they don’t put effort to train them. I could not have been more happier when i found out puppies and toddlers share the same similarities, which made it easier to make them listen to you. Because you love your puppies, let me show you how to make a puppy to listen to you when they won’t.

1. Play catch

As you and your puppy get to know each other, it is important to remember that listening is two-way-street. You need to develop an attitude for the puppy wanting to listen to you. Start by strengthen your connection with your puppy by doing physical activity, like playing catch.

There is more benefits in playing catch with your puppy. As simple as it may look, this activity encourage your puppy to gain trust on you and at this time your may start to reward their subsequent compliant behavior. By playing catch, it helps keep bones,joints, and muscles strong for dogs of all ages. Especially for puppies, it helps them socialize and expend all their puppy energy so it is not used on your favorite shoes. Since playing catch is so much fun, you are centering their source of fun to you, that makes following your commands is fun.

There is a big chance that they do not understand what to do in few weeks of their life in this world, but that is fine because they still developing. Training is a progress, you have to be patient and consistent until you think he really gets it. Whenever you puppy feeling down and do not want to listen to you, you can break the ice by playing fetch with him and put him in a good mood to listen to you. The more is not always better, there is no need to repeat commands over and over again. Repeating commands teaches a dog that the command is meaningless.

2. Find a quiet and peaceful place

Your puppy still getting use to this world, just like a new born baby there are many things yet to discover. Puppies were born with powerful sense of hearing, and could hear the tiniest whisper, that is not to say that command should not be clear and audible.

Puppies do not speak our language, try to avoid talking too much when training your Puppies. Quiet situation and peaceful environment enhance focus level of the puppies to you. There is no need for you to train him too hard, they just a kid in furry appearance-sort of, 1 step at a time. Effective communication comes through quality not quantity.

3. Know the breed

Teaching a terrier to sit-stay as a rabbit runs across the yard will take extra practice and patience. Learning about your dog’s breed will make things easier. If you have ever tried to communicate with a hyper toddler, then you know how excited energy can be distracting. It is no different with puppies. His only focus is to release that energy inside and he is going to have a hard time listening to you.

Knowing that you have hyperactive puppies, consider to channel their energy first before training and affection kicks in. I your puppies is happen to be a siberian husky, learn how to raise and tame your siberian husky puppy

4. Be fun or begone

Do not care who ever you are, if puppy thinks that you are boring, a puppy would just ignore and play deaf when you call them. Both puppies and babies have uncanny ability to play deaf. Always comes up with new games or treats to hype up the game, goof off every now and then, make him chase you by running ahead of your dog. One of the key on how to make a puppy to listen when they won`t is to be a source of fun and they will listen to you.

Never force your puppies to do things they do not want to do. Forcing puppies to do things will build stressful environment and this could lead to mental issue of your puppies. Learn how to deal with depression in dog to ease their mental illness. Contact your local veterinary.

5. Read the body language

Is your puppies acting different lately ? if yes, then you should know what is going on. Make sure he gets enough sleep, the room is nice and warm enough for them to stay, the food intake contains enough nutrition for them and does not contain harmful chemical. If your puppies have problem with nutrition, learn more about how to help a malnourished puppy to gain weight .

Pay good attention to your puppy as they are still a kid, he might feel lonely because the bond between you and him is not strong enough to replace their mother figure.

6. Timing

Timing consists of many factors from -nap schedule, feeding time, puppies age,etc. You would not want to train your puppy when it is nap time or their feeding time, this will result in partial listening or they just do what they feel like to.

Puppies can start training and following commands as young as 5 weeks old , you have to be really cognizant to the fact that they have just been taken away from their mom and their litter mates, they know nothing of this world at all. Using food as exchange is okay, but what will happen when all you do is rewarding ?, they become a spoiled brat. With positive reinforcement, careful proofing and clear instruction, you build a strong bond.

Bonds formed between humans and dog can be made incredibly strong when the relationship is formed early on, but it is important that your puppy be taught how to listen to us as pet owner.

Start small with basic commands and try to perfecting these, because taking care of puppy is like having a new born baby in your house. You need to take a good care for them, nurturing, feeding, playing, teaching them how to be a dog, training them to listen to follow commands and more. You have to put your body and mind to grow a healthy and well-trained dog that full with affection.