6 Warning Signs That Your Dog is Depressed

You will always want a dog company that smile, happy and healthy everytime you come back home, a source of joy, and a stress reliever. Not a depressed one. Despite our love of dogs, we humans sometimes do forget that dogs could feel depressed too. In some situations the emotional situations of our dogs is […]

10 Signs That a Dog Insanely Happy When the Owner Gets Home

Frankly speaking i do believe that wolves and dogs are related to each other and scientist generally agree they are both are sub-species of canis lupus. We can clearly see behaviors in wolves that are similar to those expressed by dogs. For example, wolves greet each other by licking each other faces. Unlike wolves, dogs […]

9 Signs to Tell That Your Dog is Happy and Healthy

Occasionally pet owners would talk to their pet as if they understand both ways. Well, it’s not fully wrong idea to talk to your pets because in that way some people find it relaxing and result in stronger bonds with your dog. What I am trying to say is, people try to understand their dogs […]

Ways to Stop Your Puppy From Nipping When Excited

A lot of pet owner especially animallova readers, know that nipping and mouthing begins in puppy-hood then continues to the life of dog. When your puppy allowed to pull at your clothes, tug on your socks, and rip off your cushion then this is a big problem. It is a natural behavior for a dogs […]

Right Steps to Make Your Puppy Stop Biting

Having 4 legs might get you run so fast than a world fastest runner, but you will not able to grab on things with your leg. That is just what happen with dogs and puppies, their legs were built for running. To replace hands function, dogs and puppies use their mouth to grab onto things, […]

How to Make a Dog Listen and Obey to You Outside

Nothing beats a long walk with your four-legged friend on sun bath, sandy beach. Or seeing the joy on their faces as they pick up the ball and they know it is play time in the local park. Even hanging out on the couch at home feels great on each other company. It is true […]

How to Make a Puppy to Listen When They Won`t

Big eyes, cute bark, furry face, and a long list of why we love puppies. We just can not get enough of them that we immediately say yes to adopt a puppy. Often the time i hear a question like “how to make a puppy to listen when they won’t”, because pet owners get exhausted […]

How to Make a Dog Listen to Your Command

Being a pet owner of a dogs has given me opportunity to gain power over them. Sometimes i forgot that i am even human anymore when around them. While playing as a god -pet owners, i mean- the dogs will follow general rules, they sit when we told them to and speak when we told […]

10 Reasons That Your Dog Won`t Listen to You

The life of your pet dogs is in danger if they don’t listen to you anymore. Dogs learn by training and socialize with human and other dogs. And by learning, this include disobeying your commands. This can happen when you are no longer in charge to correct their behavior. take by example, a well trained […]

3 Ways to Train Your Dog to be Quiet on Command

A happy dog will bark and shake their tail like crazy, for example, meet their owner after long time. At some point, barking excessively is such nuisance for the owner or local neighbors. To counter this problem there are 3 ways to train your dog to be quiet on command. Before we fall to the […]