How To Prevent Ducks From Shedding

More common than one would think, breeders often struggle with treating feather loss in ducks. Feather loss is a common condition and is often referred to as Molting. However, the common misconception is that most breeders are reckless to assign all forms of feather loss as Molting, when it is not necessarily the case.

Regardless of the cause, most farmers would be in a default state of confusion when they find their ducks losing their feathers. However, in a state like this, it is advised that farmers stay calm and tackle the problem as civil as possible. To ease one’s mind, farmers should always remind themselves that this condition is extremely common amongst the bird family (starting from ducks and up to chickens themselves).

Perhaps the most obvious action plan that farmers need to adopt would be to getting to the root of its causes. There are many reasons as to why birds experience feather loss, but most of them are generally tied up to the decline of their overall health. Getting to the root cause of it, though, is no kindergarden task.

At this note, it will surely help the farmers to immediately seek out professional medical help that could point out possible reasons behind the worrying conditions. These professionals are medically trained in their field, so their strong advices and diagnoses should provide the sufficient guardian light they may aim for. Doctors would conduct several medical tests to ensure their farm’s safety – and then on would tailor a recovery plan around their tests.

One common thing that most breeders have also observed – outside the medical environment that is – is that feather loss are often done periodically at a certain stage in age. Ducks loose their old coat and soon replaced with newer clean ones are often a common distinction of biological maturity, and breeders are strongly advised to keep track of these changes for any future references. The shedding process is unpredictable nor stable, but would usually last up to 1.5 months per session.

During this shedding stage, ducks will often show signs of unproductiveness and laziness. Though there are further science that may back up to the potential reasons why their productivity levels decline distinctively, what breeders would only need to know is that this is normal re occurrence and breeders should not panic immediately when observing this circumstances. Once the shedding session stops, ducks would regain their stamina and are able to reproduce eggs as well.

In summary, breeders should not panic when the time comes. Though it may be common and as tame as any common cold, breeders would come to understand that this condition would very unpleasant to deal with. In facts, breeders would want to strongly avoid this situation from happening in the first place. So, to deal with this, be sure to read through this article to find out how to prevent ducks from shedding.

1. Early Diagnosis

One of the best and most advised way to prevent ducks from shedding is providing them the early diagnosis and treating them before it gets too late. If your animal is showing concerning signs of fatigue, unproductiveness, and pre-shedding, be sure to either consult medical professionals immediately or have your research ready to tailor recovery plan. However, remember that all ducks are not the same from one another, so it would be wise to avoid generalisation and leave the medication plan to professionals themselves.

2. Clean Living Spaces

When breeders are starting to spot these shedding signs, breeders should be sure to separate the distressed bird from the rest of the farm. This is required so that the shedding duck remain calm, which would help ease out the shedding. Furthermore, it is also strongly advised that breeders maintain the sanitation of their living spaces. This is to avoid harmful bacterias from fostering in these unkept corners, which could contribute to more shedding.

3. Prescribed to Growers

Growers are prescribed supplements that helps little ducklings maintain a thick clean coat of fur. Breeders provide these supplements 1-3 times a week, to ensure that their fur remains thick. However, to avoid underfeeding or overdose, it is wise that breeders consult medical professionals to get the right dose for these supplements.

4. Extra Protein Supplements

Another wise investment worth trying on your ducks would be extra protein supplements. A protein ideal dose for each feed should roughly consists of 12-13%, and breeders should consider that their feed may not sometimes have that amount of protein. To put this into perspective, a duck’s daily protein dose should have a ratio of 80 grams/duck. After 4-7 weeks after the first protein supplement dose, be sure to layer your feed a little more.

Protein supplements would not only maintain their healthy coat of fur, but encourages ovulation and maintains the overall health of their reproductive system. For the supplements to take an affect, breeders are advised to provide the feed up at the minimum of 2 times a day (mornings and afternoons).

5. Feeding a Consistent Meal

By feeding your farm a consistent meal and not switching up the feed to different forms, the shedding duck would feel a levelled sense of comfort – thus eases the shedding process and prevents them from getting worse. Just for a dedicated period of time (when the duck is shedding), avoid switching up their feed to different forms.

6. Do Not Move Them Around

In the same vein of feeding them a consistent meal, avoid moving your ducks around and outside their living spaces. Ducks are much prone to stress, and it is especially dangerous for shedding ducks. To prevent this, any sudden changes such as living space locations and routine diets should be avoided at all costs.

7. Reduce Salt Intake

Salt is a dangerous catalyst that may contribute to shedding. Birds, especially ducks, should not be fed a high level of salt in their diets as it could contribute to their blood levels. To prevent this, understand what you’re feeding your farm by reading their nutritional facts or even making a stock of feed of your own.

8. Fermentation

Much like salt, fermented foods and nutrients should be avoided at all costs. These types of nutrients contributed directly – and highly – to a duck’s shedding by increasing their overall body temperature. This discomfort goes hand in hand with stress and more shedding, so it is wise that breeders keep an eye on fermented goods.

9. Artificial Light

An increased body temperature may not be good for their overall health, but their external environment would play an opposite affect to their shedding. Artificial light can provide a cozy comfort for the sick ducks, so breeders would install these soft light as a means to comfort them.

10. Leave Alone

One most underrated tip is to leave your shedding duck alone. Too much human interaction may cause them more stress, so would be wise to play it on the safe side and leave them alone once in a while. The shedding would naturally stop in time, and by then, your ducks would be well rested and comfortable.

So here are several tips on how to prevent ducks from shedding! Remember that these are just basic tips and more studies may be needed to tailor the best recovery plan for you farm. Good luck!