5 Easy Ways on How to Treat Cat’s Eye Infection

Cats are known for having beautiful eye color, as stated in reasons why cats have beautiful eye colors. However, it might make you worried if you see your cat constantly winks its eyes at you and you see them keep rubbing its eyes.

There might be something wrong with its eyes. Some eye problems can be caused by several reasons, such as allergy, infection or more serious than that such as health problems. You can see some ways on how to safely prevent eye problems in-your-cat. Prevention is better than cure.

Eye infection is not a joke as it might lead to loss of vision and permanent damage on your cat’s eyes. I am sure you wouldn’t like it to have a blind cat, would you?

Talking about cat’s eye infection, there are some symptoms you can observe such as:

  1. Inflammation of the eye
  2. Sneezing
  3. Constant rubbing, itching and winking
  4. Excessive production of tear drop or dry eyes
  5. Fever
  6. Lethargy and weight loss
  7. Clean, yellow, or green nasal discharge

If you see any symptoms or signs above, be aware and alerted. If possible, bring your cat to the vet, but if it is not, you can do some home remedies for treating cat’s eye infection. Regarding to cat eye issues, you can see how to treat eye discharge in cat naturally. Now, it is time to see the 5 easy ways on how to treat cat’s eye infection.

  • Compress with Warm Cloth

To compress your cat’s eye, you will need soft towel, wash cloth, or other cloth soaked in warm water. Just simply damp the cloth onto your cat’s eye and hold it for around 5 minutes.

Once it is done, remove and discard the used cloth. You can repeat this process every hour before the infection clears. Warm compress is also beneficial as one of the ways on how to treat cat scratch fever with home remedies.

  • Eye Wash

If your cat’s eyes get infection because of any foreign object stuck in the eye, then you can use eye wash to treat it. Rise your cat’s eye with saline solution that can be found in any drug store. This is quite good for removing the object and accelerating the recovery of your cat’s eye.

  • Warm tea Bags

This traditional remedy for eye infections is very famous. The damp tea bag is very effective to clear out any gunk that have been accumulated inside your cat’s eyes. Besides using eye wash, you can also use warm tea bag for treating cat’s eye infection caused by foreign object stuck in the eye.

Brew a tea bag and cool it down for around 15-20 minutes. Press it on your cat’s eye that is infected. You can repeat this process several times a day as long as your cat is able to tolerate it.

  • Keep Clear of Any Irritants

You can do this by trimming long hair away from its eyes so it won’t hurt your cat’s eyes. Make sure you trim your cat’s hair regularly.

  • Eye Drops – specially designed for cats

There are some DIY recipes on homemade eye drops for treating cat’s eye infection, such as chamomile tea or apple cider vinegar. However, it is not suggested to use those ingredients, as there is no guarantee of cleanliness, effectiveness and effectiveness. It is better to use the eye drop products sold or recommended by veterinarian as they are clinically approved.

Home remedies are very essential for treating some health problems, including eye infection. However, prevention is also as important as the remedies. Once your cat is cured completely from its eye infection, you still need to do some things to prevent it from getting eye infection again. Here are the ways of preventing eye infection:

  1. Get your cat regularly vaccinated – vaccine strengthens your cat’s immune system against some viruses that might trigger eye infections, such as herpes virus. Vaccine is one of the 4 important reasons that you must take your cat to vet regularly.
  2. Maintain cleanliness of your house – this way is important to prevent any strange object or dirt coming into your cat’s eyes.
  3. Reduce the stress level – stress is able to make the condition, especially during recovery worse. Make sure your cat has steady activities so it won’t make the infection appears again. You can see some ways you should do to make your cat happy.

Cat’s eye infection is a serious problem. Though it still can be treated at home, but it doesn’t mean you can take it easy. If you see that the infection is getting worse, bring your cat immediately to the vet to prevent any worse effect. Love your cats just like you love your family members and yourself!