8 Amazing Marines Animals Living Near Coral Reefs

Coral reefs are home to roughly a quarter of all marine life. There are two biggest coral reefs in the world: the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and the Belize Barrier Reef in the Caribbean.

They are homes to amazing marine animals, therefore, they also become popular sites for divers and snorkelers who are enjoyable to find the vibrant and colorful diversity of underwater life.

You may know that coral reefs are home to colorful animals and some of the most beautiful coral and see anemones in the world. However, it is beyond that! There’s a lot of wildlife to discover near the coral reefs. Let’s explore these 8 amazing marine animals you can spot in the coral reefs!

  • Whale Shark

The whale shark is known to be distinctive from the other shark species due to being the largest fish in the world. It can grow over 40 feet in length! The whale sharks need an environment which can support their ferocious appetite. Therefore, whale sharks love to migrate to coral reefs throughout the world.

The whale sharks employ an incredibly efficient way to digestion which is by vacuuming up everything on their path and filtering out anything that doesn’t suit their appetite. The whale shark is one of the animals of the Great Barrier Reef.

  • Dugongs

The next interesting and amazing animal you can find in coral reef is dugong. Dugong is commonly known as the descendant of land elephant. Dugongs share the duty with large turtles to graze and prune grass on the seafloor. Coral reefs are perfect and natural place for them to settle down.

Dugong is the only true marine herbivore in Australia. Despite the fact that coral reef is mostly lacking in predators, dugongs are classified as the endangered animals. It is all due to humans action.

  • Manta Rays

Manta rays are commonly seed in spots where creatures regularly congregate and they have the bacteria cleaned off their surface by small and hungry fish. Different with crocodiles and seabirds which tend to venture into coral reef to hunt for prey, manta rays are coming to reefs to get a good cleaning.

  • Moon Jellyfish

Moon jellyfish look really majestic because they capture the light around them. You can find this jellyfish species in warm tropical waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans.

They are a valuable part of the food chain in the coral seas. They mainly feed on shrimp, fish eggs and larvae. In turn, they are also food for leatherback and other sea turtles.

Due to their transparent appearance, marine animals often mistake plastic bags for moon jellies.

  • Clown Anemonefish

Clone anemonefish is a bright orange fish that is equipped with three white bands. It is well known for finding shelter in sea anemone on the ocean’s floor.

The clown anemonefish and sea anemone share a symbiotic relationship where the stinging anemones protect the anemonefish and the anemonefish’s waste provides food for the anemone. You can find this fish in the warm tropical waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

  • Sea Dragon

Sea dragons are poor swimmers which live an exclusively aquatic life. They are actually a member of the seahorse family.

Uniquely, their physical appearance resembles seaweed that’s prevalent throughout coral reefs. It enables them to camouflage and protect themselves against predators.

Do you know that some animals are smart enough to escape from their predators? Here are the amazing animals that camouflage very well in order to survive!

  • Lionfish

Unlike the bright color of sea dragons which enables them to camouflage, the bright and colorful patterns of lionfish are actually a sign for predators to stay away. Lionfish are long and dangerous-looking spikes protruding from their bodies.

They are poisonous bristles and some of the venoms they produce can even kill a grown man. Beware of these fish as they are aggressive predators in their own right.

Lionfish is also listed as one of the venomous sea creatures you should be aware of!

  • Harlequin Shrimp

Never underestimate the small size of a harlequin shrimp! Despite its tiny size, it is actually a fierce predator of its primary food source.

It is commonly found in the Indo-Pacific oceans. It has flattened front claws and a strong sense of smell. It is two-inch long and it lives and works in pairs.

If you love exploring marine animals, then you should also read these marine animals in Australia and Antarctica marine animals. If you love diving and snorkeling, then make sure you are all knowledgeable of these amazing animals and you can capture their beauty!