Wild Animal

8 Diversity of Unique Animals in the Kalahari Desert

Have you ever wondered if there are any animals in the Kalahari Desert that could survive living there? As one of the largest deserts in Africa, the Kalahari Desert is popular with wild animals of unique species that are different from some animals in the Gobi desert. The Kalahari Desert is home for so many […]

Wild Animal

8 Endangered Wild Animals in the Gobi Desert

Have you ever wondered if there are any animals in the Gobi desert living there? The Gobi desert is one of the largest deserts located between China and Mongolia. The desert contains flats hills and rock crests, which are mostly stony and waterless. You may wonder if any animals in the Gobi desert survive living […]

Wild Animal

8 Rare Animals in the Daintree Rainforest

Have you ever wondered if there are any animals in the Daintree rainforest in most tropical rainforests in the world? Daintree rainforest is a home for so many ancient animals that becomes rare from time to time. Most animals in the Daintree rainforest commonly bring the balance of the ecosystem in biological diversity. Every animal […]

Wild Animal

Find these 6 Animals in Mojave Desert

The Mojave Desert is considered as the national treasure as its beauty shelters a huge range of unique plants and animals. Furthermore, its 20 million acres provide a lot of things for people including clean water to drink, fresh air to breathe and energy to power our lives. The Mojave Desert is so precious that […]

Wild Animal

8 Endangered Animals in the Congo Rainforest

Have you ever wondered what kind of animals are in the Congo rainforest? Congo rainforest is one of the biggest rainforests in the world located in Congo, Central Africa. There are so many wildlife animals that living there for many years ago. As a tropical forest, the Congo rainforest brings an atmosphere of life balance […]

Wild Animal

8 Animals in Costa Rica Rainforest with Unique Species

Have you ever wondered about what kind of animals are in Costa Rica’s rainforest? Costa Rica rainforest is one of the most popular rainforests in the world. It has become a home for more than 100 species of trees and animals. As a tropical rainforest, animals in Costa Rica rainforest come in many variant species. […]

Wild Animal

8 Animals in Borneo Rainforest with Endangered Status

Have you ever wondered about what kind of animals are in the Borneo rainforest? Borneo rainforest is one of the biggest tropical rainforests in Indonesia has so many animals living there similar to some of the animals found in the oriental region. Most animals in the Borneo rainforest are protected by the law, which makes […]

Animal A-Z

Meet these 5 Inhabitants of Arizona Desert

Arizona desert, or known as Sonoran desert, is an area of desert with temperatures fluctuating between 120 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and 40 degrees Fahrenheit during the night. Doesn’t it sound extreme? Amazingly, with these fluctuating temperatures, a lot of animals inhabit this area and survive well. The area of the desert spans from […]

Animal A-Z

8 Characteristics of Vertebrate Animals

Animals are divided into two classes: invertebrates and vertebrates. They are classified based on the existence of the backbone or also known as a vertebral column. Vertebrates are animals with backbone. Not only that, vertebrate animals also have a muscular system which consists of primarily of bilaterally paired masses and a central nervous system. These […]

Animal A-Z

Can’t Believe that These 7 Animals are Extinct in the 21st Century

Since the establishment of the Endangered Species Act in 1973, there are around 227 species have been saved. However, there are some other animal species that are extinct as well. Do you know that since the beginning of the 21st century, there are around 17 animal species that are extinct. Before, there were also the […]