All Facts and Fakes About Animal Behaviorist

On the previous article, we know that the study of animal behavior is important for us. Animal behaviorism is a scientific study that involves investigating what animals do, for examples, we study how they find food resources, how they defend themselves from predators, how they choose their mates, reproduce, until how they raise their young.  […]

4 Basic Knowledge About Animal Psychology (Must Know!)

Talking about psychology, we have to conclude “behavior” since both two of them are related. Just like human, animal “think” as well. They perceive, interact, and react to their surroundings.  They also have some kind of behavior that is different from each species. So why animal psychology or animal behavior is important? Studies said that […]

How To Treat Hair Loss Of Angora Rabbit

I love angora rabbit! I mean, who doesn’t? They have a long hair, make them look even more fluffier than other species of rabbit. Imagine if they lose their hair and lose those cute hairs. How sad! That’s why you need to know how to treat hair loss of angora rabbit. There are several reasons […]