Factors To Consider Before Raising Your Own Magpies

Magpies are small wild birds that some people have taken the liking of and have domesticated them as pets. Animal lovers’ keen ness to this wild animal could be caused by their relatively low maintenance care and eccentric personalities. Most pet Magpies are kept in small cages, and are adjustable to both busy and quiet […]

How To Treat Bird’s Broken Legs

Broken leg is a serious problem that caused some reasons such crash. It is a problem which needs emergency aid to repair and back the bone on its first position. Not only on human, that’s problem also become serious to bird. As we know bird using their foot to perch, hanging, and grab the prey […]

7 major causes of broken leg in birds

Leg is a crucial of our body part. It used to be walk, run, and stand. It supported our activity especially like move. So does bird, leg also used to support their activity such like move, perch, grab the prey, or to build the nest. They should be ruined if the legs disfunction such like […]