3 Simple Home Remedies to Treat Cat Claw Fungus

Cat claw fungus is an infection of cat claw caused by some fungal organisms, the most common ones are the infection caused by ringworm and malassezia. The claw fungus can infect cat through many ways, like the exposure of fungus from other infected animal or its excrement, from the environment like from the soil, wounds […]

How to Treat Cat Scratch Fever with Home Remedies

Although cat is loving animal, there will still a time when cat owner suffers from cat scratch or bite, accidentally or not. Although the cat scratch or bite are just mild wounds, they can be hurt and sting or even bleed and become infected if they aren’t treated properly. One of the issue caused by […]

5 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Mites in Rabbit with Home Remedies

Mites that leave in rabbit’s ear and in rabbit’s fur is a different kind of parasytes. While ear mites is a species called Psoroptes cuniculi, fur mites is caused by species from Cheyletiellosis. Another common fur mites in rabbit called Leporacarus gibbus. You can treat this kind of mites at home, so here are 5 […]

5 Natural Ways to Treat Ear Mites in Rabbit

Mites are a turn off for our days. Can you imagine those tiny, but annoying animals attack our cute pets? I’m sure no one will be able to ignore it. Unfortunately, mites are pretty common in pets, including rabbits. As a rabbits lovers, we sometimes feel hard to deal with those chemical substances with side […]

5 Ways To Treat Your Sick Cat With Home Remedies

It is unquestionably comforting to have a cat as your little companion at home. In spite of their occasionally troublesome behavior (like scratching your sofa), cats can soothe your tired mind after one hectic day at your office. Nevertheless, there might be a time when your pet appears to be weak and unable to wander […]