Ways on How to Treat Ringworm in Rabbits

Ringworm is not a type of worm, instead, it is one type of skin diseases. The disease is named ringworm due to the appearance of infected skin. This disease is caused by fungus. There are various types of fungus causing this to happen. One of which is Trichophyton metagrophytes. Another type of fungus causing ringworm […]

Follow These Ways on How to Treat Ringworm in Puppies

Puppies are a cute animal to own. They are also a very vulnerable pet at a very young age. This cute and adorable animal does have a lot of enthusiasts. In addition to the various types, the cute dog’s behavior also often makes many people want to make him a pet. You may have this […]

Get to Know about Ringworms in Guinea Pigs

Ringworm is one of the common infections experienced by guinea pigs. Unlike its name, ringworm infection has nothing to do with a parasitic worm. Instead it is caused by a fungus, named Trichophyton mentagrophytes, which is also clinically referred as ringworm. This ringworm infection is typically characterized by bald patches starting from the head. Patches […]