Closer Look of Sumatran Rhino

Sumatran rhino, also known as the haired rhino (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis), is the only Asian rhino that has two horns. It has the smallest size compared to all subspecies of rhino in the world, although it is still classified as a large mammal. The largest and perhaps most adequate population for breeding (viable) currently exist in […]

How can Rhino Horn will be Created by Horse Hair?

Rhinos are on the list of threatened species among other wild animals species on earth. The extinction occurred due the loss of habitat; as we know nature and animal are inseparable. Therefore, many movements had been done to save animals before they extinct, included in rhinos’ cases. Where you could see rhinos? Well, the easier […]

Let’s Get Closer with Javanese Rhino

One-horned Rhinoceros or Javanese Rhinos (Rhinoceros sondaicus) is one of Rhinocerotidae family and one of five existing rhinos. This rhinos is adding to as genus with Indian rhinos and has skin which similar with steel. It has 3,1-3,2 meters length and 1,4-1,7 meters height. This rhinos is smaller than Indian rhinos and almost similar with […]