Top 4 Animals Diseases that can be Transmitted to Humans

Do you know that animal disease can also be transmitted to humans? If you don’t, then you need to know about this, especially if you are working with animals or keeping pets at home. Animal disease that can be transmitted to humans are called as zoonosis.  

There are also some diseases from certain animals that are contagious to humans, such as mentioned in cat diseases that can be contagious to their owners and common diseases that are contagious to human.

Let’s see the top 4 animal diseases that can be transmitted to humans.

  • Rabies

Rabies is a disease affecting the nervous systems of mammals. Cat is one of the animals that can get infected by rabies. If you have a cat at home, then get to know these early symptoms of rabies in cats you must know.

The main cause of this disease is virus and is spread typically through bite. When the infected animal bite another animal or even human, then the virus is simply transmitted. Rabies is a fatal disease as it cannot be treated once the symptoms appear.

Rabies has some symptoms that will appear after the incubation period (the time between the exposure and the appearance of the symptoms). You will experience some symptoms similar to flu, such as weakness, discomfort, fever, and headache.

These symptoms will last for days. Then, you may also feel uncomfortable at the site of the bite as it might feel prickling or itching. The acute symptoms of rabies will be the cerebral dysfunction, anxiety and confusion. As it progresses, the infected person may also experience abnormal behavior, hallucinations and even hydrophobia (fear of water).

The only way to prevent yourself from getting this disease is by vaccinating the animal. Before that, make sure you know some of the anti rabies vaccine effects on dogs as there might be some unexpected effects of it.

If you accidentally get bitten by the animal, immediately wash the bites or scratches with soap and water. Then consult with a doctor immediately. Rabies in people is more preventable with proper and appropriate medical care.

  • Plague

Plague is a disease that can attack animals and humans as well. The main cause of this disease is a bacterium called Yersinia pestis. Humans usually get infected by this disease after getting bitten by a rodent flea that is carrying the plague bacteria. This disease is infamous for killing millions of people during the Middle Ages in Europe. Thanks to modern antibiotics that are discovered to treat plague.

However, if you leave this disease untreated, it may lead to serious illness or even death. Plague mostly occurs in the rural areas in the western United States, but more cases also appear in some parts of Africa and Asia.

There are three types of plague and each of them has different symptoms.

  • Bubonic plague. The symptoms are fever, headache, chills, weakness and the presence of one or more swollen, tender and painful lymph nodes (called buboes). This is the result of the bite of the infected flea. If it is not treated well with the appropriate antibiotics, the bacteria will spread to other parts of the body.
  • Septicemic plague. The symptoms are fever, chills, extreme weakness, shock, abdominal pain and bleeding into the skin and other organs. Some parts of the skin may appear black and die, specifically on the fingers, toes and nose. This plague can be the first symptom of the plague or even the development of the untreated bubonic plague.
  • Pneumonic plague. The infected person will experience fever, headache, weakness and rapidly developing pneumonia. The person will also have shortness of breath, chest pain, cough and even produce bloody or watery mucous. This plague can be caused from healing the infectious droplets or the condition after the bacteria spread to the lungs. This is considered as the most serious disease and the only plague that can be spread from humans to humans.

Plague can be a very serious disease, so if you display any of the symptoms mentioned above, seek immediate medical attention.

  • Salmonella

Salmonella bacteria is the main cause of this disease. This bacteria caused about 1.35 million infections in the United States every year. Food is the main source of most of this illness.

Diarrhea, fever and stomach cramps are the most common symptoms of Salmonella. However, the symptoms might get worse. You should immediately call a doctor once you experience diarrhea for more than 3 days, bloody stools, prolonged vomiting and signs of dehydration.

  • West Nile Virus

West Nile is one of the diseases transmitted by mosquitos. Moreover, it is also the top leading cause of mosquito disease in the United States. It commonly occurs during the mosquito season, starting in the summer and continues to the fall.

The symptoms of this disease are fever, headache, neck stiffness, disorientation, numbness and paralysis.  

Unfortunately, there is no vaccine to prevent this disease. Moreover, there is also no medical treatment to treat the West Nile Virus in people. To reduce the risk of getting this virus from mosquito bite, it is suggested that people wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants.