Does Zoo Animals have Body Language? See this Explanation!

Zoos are the place where you can see miniature scale of wildlife. There’s a lot of wild animals that being kept inside the zoos from the largest ground-mammal: the elephants, exotic animals such as black rhino, varieties species of big cats, such as: lion and tiger, cougar, cheetah, jaguar, not to mention the strong, athletic apes family: monkeys, gorilla, chimpanzees, orangutan, and many more. Not only ground-dwellers, you can also be a witness of the magnificent diversity of ocean-dwellers, include: dolphins, crocodiles, sharks, piranhas, octopus, stingrays, and many other wondrous creatures of planet earth.

Inside the zoos, those animals are live under supervision of the caretakers. From the nursery to daily feeding, they were absolutely depends on these people. So, how does the animals and the caretakers build relationship? Apparently, the caretakers must learn animals’ body language to know animals’ needs. Wait, these animals used body language to interact with their caretakers? Well, the answer is yes, but this doesn’t apply to all kind of species. Some animals are gifted with higher intellectual than the others; this level of intellectual give effected to communication ability between the same kin and other kin included human.

For the examples of animals’ species that able to express their feeling toward human are apes family, wild cats, and dolphins. What about the other animals? Consequently, the caretakers should be the ones that learn animals’ behavior and habitual through their body language. The further information would be share in this article: does zoo animals have body language? See this explanation!

Body Language for the Animals’ Welfare

Apparently, many of the experts are agreed that through the observation of zoo animals’ body language, human get the ability to improve animals’ welfare; this is applied to the wild animals and captivated ones. On this certain days, zoos are try to be more focus to measure on animals’ behavior of breeding, sleeping, and eating. The University of Manchester and University of Exeter explained their review to the zoos over recent years. They said that the zoos was made the improvement associated with animals’ behaviors.

Although this is a progressive news, apparently the livestock farming has reviled their result progressively compare to the zoo. These farms used Qualitative Behavioral Assessment method to measure animals’ psychological. Like human, we could notice what animals truly feel throughout their facial movement, postures, and activity levels. For your note, animals are experienced human’s emotions such as nervous, excited, relaxed, interested, and many others.

One of a doctor from University of Exeter named Dr. Paul Rose explained that the zookeepers job is dedicated and should be knowledgeable about the animals they toke care by their body language to recognize animals’ psychological state. It’s totally similar to human, certain behaviors exhibit by animals are the expression of certain moods, and it’s different in every species. Therefore, it is very important to all the zookeepers to build their knowledge and read specifics body language on specific species. This is a consistent version that suggest by the experts.

One of the example could be learn from the lions. Reviled, that this wild cat have a wide range of expression to observe. If, the zookeepers are able to read those expressions, it would help to understand the lion’ state of mind. Not only for the particular zoos, this observation able to support other parties due the improvement of animals’ welfare. We could bring adjustment of feeding times, specific diets, enclosures, and other aspect that increase the welfare of the animals that being kept.

Recently, Dr. Rose had been done the observation on swans due to learn this animal’ behavioral to know the mental state of this particular species. Reviled, if swans felt unsure or apprehensive about something, this species exhibit less-movement and they appeared to be more vigilant. On this state of emotion, swans choose to keep their feathers compressed close to their bodies. This investigation was succeeded by spending the time and explore swans habitat. These researchers was seen certain emotions in swans, included: interested, bold, or confident.

Therefore, animals’ behavior studied has become one of the most important aspect to improve animals’ welfare inside the zoos for the last twenty or ten years till now. This is the article of does zoo animals have body language? See this explanation! I hope you folks, has learned something.