4 Dog Behavior That Are Related to Myths You Shouldn’t Believe

Dogs are always known to be a loyal companion to human and no wonder that dog becomes one of the most popular pet nowadays. In these modern days where there is already a very good treatment for our dogs and advanced veterinary knowledge, there are still many myths surrounding dogs. There are many myths about dogs behavior that is sometimes false information or merely misinterpretation. If you want to be a good master for your dog, you should be well informed about this.

We are here now to debunk any myths surrounding dog behavior that is incorrect in medical terms. Here are 4 dog behavior that are related to myths you shouldn’t believe. We have compiled information about myths and stereotype that are mostly misinterpreted, misunderstanding and also false information all around the world. We are here now to help you with becoming a good master for your dog. Hope our compiled information here help you to become a good master for your dog and also becoming a responsible dog owner.

Knowing the right and wrong thing about our dog behavior can help you become a good master

dog-behaviorBefore we debunk many myths about dog behavior, we need to know that sometimes the myths can be true, but most of the time it is actually false information. Most of these myths come from a stereotype of many dog owner, different perspectives, sometimes through hoax and false information. If you believed one of these myths bellow here, that is cool. It is cool to believe it, but you need to know the truth behind it too. It is cool to believe it, but if it started to harm your dog in any sort of ways, you need to stop believing it. Now, without being delayed anymore let’s get started on the list of dog behavior myths that is actually wrong and you shouldn’t believe it.

  1. Your dog cowering when people approaching it means it has trauma

Many people believe that if you approach a dog and it starts to cower, then it is the sign that a dog has painful past and trauma. This is actually not entirely true, as there are many reasons behind cowering like afraid meeting new people, still adapting to a new environment, your dog psychologist and many more. Although it can be true that cowering is a sign of trauma, we can’t determine that our dog have traumatic past right away.

When you brought a new dog, or adapt a new one from the shelters it usually will cower at the very first days in your house. Meeting a new person and a new environment, of course, will make them afraid and cower. Cowering can also mean that your dog is afraid, don’t like being approached, and afraid for people to grab their collar.

  1. If your dog seems shy, and don’t enjoy the company of other dogs, there is something wrong

There is a myth that if your dog is shy, and seems don’t enjoy any other dog company, then there is something wrong with that dog like trauma, or disease. Well, this is another false information that becomes a myth among dog owner. A dog is just like a human, they come with different characteristics, and that’s is why one dog might be very social and playful, while the other dog can be so shy and don’t enjoy any other dog to play with or just one or few dogs.

If your dog seems don’t enjoy the company of another dog, then it doesn’t mean that there is something is wrong with your dog. It might be that your dog is just shy, and don’t like being social around another dog. You can’t really blame them if they are shy, let them enjoy any company they want, and when they want it.

If you insist on making your dog socialize with another dog, but your dog seems doesn’t want to, then you need to introduce another dog slowly, make sure you are close while your dog interacting with other dogs, and encourage them as best as you can.

  1. Your dog hates you when it chews up anything like shoes and furniture

Some people think that if your dog is chewing up on your stuff like shoes, sandals or furniture it is the sign that your dog hates you, and it punishes you that way. Well, actually it isn’t that right, and there is no relationship between your dog chewing things with your dog punishes you.

Chewing is a natural act of dog that sometimes a behavior of a younger dog or a pup. Chewing can help your dog alleviate their anxiety, it also feels good on their gum, and releasing energy for them. However, if your dog starts chewing too much on your stuff, it can be a sign of anxiety that needs to be fixed right away. You should contact your vets and ask them why your dog is behaving like that.

  1. Puppy eyes face means your dog feel guilty after misbehaving

Puppy eyes face is a face where your dog seems so sad and guilty after misbehaving but is it really guilt they felt? Or is it just a sad face? Well, according to study in 2009 by Alexandra Horowitz, when your dog face looks guilty after misbehaving (in this case puppy eyes face), it doesn’t mean that it feels guilty after what it did. It is sometimes the expression of appeasement behavior. It is mostly caused when seeing your body language after you are quite mad at him.

So, did our article help you?

Did our article help you in finding the truth behind every myth about a dog interesting behavior? Sometimes our dog can misbehave, and act strangely. If you hear any sayings or stereotype about that behavior, make sure you know the source first, and don’t trust any myths easily. We are glad if our article on 4 Dog behavior that are related to myths you shouldn’t believe could help you to become a good master for your dog, and make you a better dog owner.