7 Guides to cleaning and storing chicken eggs

Having flock of chicken breeder is full of advantages. Especially when the hen is ready for laying fresh nutritious eggs every single day. Not limited that you will right get the delicious meal, but moreover you might sell and give it for present. While having a pet is a unique experience that teach you how to care and love other creature despite of humans, this opportunity will tell you how loyal they are, betrayal is very minimum or even zero percent. There are some pros and cons that somehow laying eggs is very stressful for the chicken.

So are yours. During this time your flock will need more attention and food to achieve good quality and nutritious fresh eggs. Sometimes they change behavior, more attractive and hard to stay still. Moving around your backyard, full of dirt and mud on their feet that will lead them make a mess on the coop. While it’s time to laying an eggs they still have mud on their feet, this will cause the dirt attach to the warm fresh eggs. Certain people do not mind having dirty eggs while the other has concern on how to clean it. All depend on you whether you prefer to clean it or just leave it as it is.

In this article below we want to give you 7 guides to cleaning and storing chicken eggs during your farm period of life and put on concern always consider your personal judgment before you decide which one applicable for your farm and brooder.

  1. Separate the coop in to two blocks in general. This means that the under part is for laying eggs, while the on top for the perch. Spread a soft clean material on the under part with something like a bundle of straw or pine shaving, and make sure you remove it once it get spoiled with the mud or the secretion of the chicken itself. This measure is to prevent the eggs lays in the clean bedding place.
  2. Collecting eggs about twice a day. Every morning the hen on lying eggs period the usually clatter hardly to give you sign that she is producing eggs on the coop. Once you see the eggs, it is advisable you collect it and remove to your house. This action has two major goals, one you safe the egg from being eaten by the hen itself, cause every chicken like to forage and peck anything looks like edible, the shell itself looks challenging to eat though, two is the eggs once removed from the coop will be much easier to clean if there is a dirty around.
  3. If you have found the eggs are already spoiled with the dirty mud or the poop, and you decide to clean it, make sure you check it carefully in case its shell already broken. Once you see any crack or broken shell, just throw it away, because this indicate the eggs already contaminated and unsaved to be consumed.
  4. The eggs are spoiled with the dirt but the shell still intact, this time you might wash it with the warm clean water. To produce strong eggs shell it will come up an idea how to give the essential supplement for this requirement. Consuming calcium is a good idea; spread the oyster shell or some grit on the ground will provide this need. Some people say washing the eggs with a cleaning detergent or vinegar; however I would recommend using warm clean water only. Somehow the detergent will have access to inside the shell and this will interference the quality of the eggs. The eggs have thin layers called bloom that provide protection from bacteria. If it is being washed this will become susceptible since the bloom is probably vanished by the cleaning detergent.
  5. Another alternative I recommend is to clean with damp clean spoons, observe the egg one by one, and start to wipe the egg using this kind of spoons, make sure you have particular spoon only for this purpose. Do not use this spoon for cleaning other material like washing the dishes. For the attached hard dirt on the egg shell, you might use a toothbrush as well, since the spoon is a bit softer it may not work well for the hard mud or the secretion from the hen.
  6. Storing the chicken eggs can be questionable whether or not to put on the fridge at house. Actually fresh newly laid eggs can be put on the room temperature for about a month, however a large and washed eggs is much better stored in cool place like a fridge, and this will maintain the quality of the eggs. Keep in mind while you want to use the eggs, it is recommended to use according to the date you collect it. It is called first come first service; you will want to apply for this. Put the container on inside the fridge on the shelf, not in the door of the fridge.
  7. Date them, once you collect the egg, don not forget to put on the hard cartoon or cardboard with the date on it, so you will know which one is on the first list to be used.

As you know as a breeder chicken need a break time, hens are not laying eggs all year long; they need a rest to cool down the production to recover and recuperate the body itself, this happen mostly during winter as they need more carbohydrate instead of protein to keep their body warm. After all this 7 guide to cleaning and storing chicken eggs is something that you will want to apply whether you are an egg seller or just a direct consumer yourself and will give away the eggs to family or neighbor.

Make sure the eggs are on the good, clean and nice to see and touch while you perform to people. Nobody likes to have dirty and muddy eggs on their hand anyway. Furthermore if you an egg seller please have a look what policy applies in your region, because sometimes there is a procedure in the market that you have to put on concern or otherwise your business is not as alignment in harmony with the authority as close as possible.