Look at these 6 Awesome Sea Animals that can Change Colour!

Animals are amazing in their own ways. They can survive in dangerous environment with their amazing ways of adaptation. One of the adaptations animals can do is by changing colours. They do this in order to escape from their predators.

You might be familiar with chameleon which can camouflage with its surrounding. Understand reasons chameleon camouflage themselves. Not only chameleons, there are some more animals which can change colours, including sea animals. Aren’t you curious of those animals? Let’s check these 6 awesome sea animals that can change colors.

  • Mimic Octopus

Mimic octopus is not the same as the common octopus you see at the sea. It is known as a master impersonator as it is able to take on the appearance and behavior of the venomous or bad-tasting creatures to trick its predators. Mimic octopus can be found in shallow waters of the Indo-Pacific.

The most amazing feature of this creature is mimic octopus is not only able to mimic one animal or creature, but it can mimic several and switch between them rapidly.

Mimic octopus changes its color in order to disguise itself. It can also contort its body to take on the appearance and behavior of some animals, including jellyfish, sea snake and others.

No wonder that mimic octopus is outstanding with its camouflaging skill as it is listed as one of the smartest animals on earth.

  • Seahorse

The next awesome sea animal which can change color is seahorse. Seahorse is considered unique not only because of its unusual equine shape. It is also monogamous and mate for life.

Surprisingly, it also masters changing its color. Do you wish to pet them? Then make sure you read seahorses are your new pets: a proper guide to take care of them.

The reason why seahorses change color is because they want to camouflage, frighten their predators, communicate their emotions and for courtship. There ae complex interactions between the body systems (brain, nervous system, hormones and organelles) which make them possible to change colors.

  • Cuttlefish

Cuttlefish are relatives of squids and octopuses. They are considered as a group of mollusks which are known as cephalopods. They are the largest found in UK seas and classified as a fierce predator. They live deep down in the sea, about 200 meters, however, come to shallow waters in order to breed during spring.

They are able to change colors in order to feed on prey and avoid predators. They have 3 mechanisms to change their color: the cuttlefish skin contains papillae which alter the tone, the chromatophores in their skin and the reflecting plates called leucophores and iridophores.

The papillae are in charge of making the skin smooth or rough. The chromatophores receive color-changing instructions from the brain and act accordingly. Lastly, the plates enable the fish to change its color.

  • Cyanea Octopus

Beside mimic octopus, another species of octopus called cyanea octopus is also able to change its color. It is known as big blue octopus or day octopus. It can be found in the waters of the Indo-Pacific.

Cyanea octopus is called as day octopus because it is mainly active during the day time, different with the other octopus species. Besides, it is also adept at camouflage.

It is able not only to change color of its skin, but also recreate its pattern and texture. It does this in order to hunt its prey, such as crabs, mollusks, and fish.

  • Flounder

Flounders are naturally brown, however, they are able to change their color to suit their surroundings. They are equipped with vision and specialized cells inside the skin to change color. Then, the cells have color pigments which are linked to their eyes.

When a flounder moves to a new environment, the retina captures the new color and transmitted to the cells. The cells, then, adjust the pigmentation in order to match the surface color.

  • Squid

Known as marine cephalopods, squids are also able to change their colors. They are equipped with two long tentacles and eight arms. Surprisingly, their blood is blue.

They have chromatophores which enable them to camouflage. The chromatophores are engraved in their skin. They change color because they want to avoid predators. Furthermore, the camouflage also acts as a tactic for hunting their prey.

If you love sea animals, then make sure you also know some other interesting facts about them, such as colorful sea creatures and sea creatures can sting.