Signs of Cats Recovering from Flu

Cat’s health could be judged based on physical appearances, performances, and agility. Cats which inflicted with Flu, if medically cared for would gradually get better and get back to health. Generally, these are signs of cats recovering from Flu and has reached optimal health.

Signs of cats recovering from Flu.

1. Clean eyes

Cat’s eyes that has recovered from Flu should be vibrant and normal, not covered with any membrane or dirt, not irritated, and certainly not covered in goo and puss. If you’re not sure with objects in your cat’s eyes, it may be a reason for your cat to see the vet. If you want to clean your cat’s eyes yourself, be sure to check out our article on how to clean your cat’s eyes!

2. Hygienic and well-functioned ears

Cat’s ears that are recovering from Flu could function well. One way to find out if your cat’s hearing is normal or not, try calling your cat from different directions. If called from the left side, Its left ear should wiggle and it may looked to the left. And just like that too if it called from behind or from its right side. If the ears are not moving (and isn’t responding) when called, you should be aware because your cat may have not recovered from Flu. Here are some common causes and remedies for your cat’s itchy ears.

Other than that, cat’s hearing that have recovered from Flu could also be known through the cat’s behavior. If the cat is commonly seen wiggling its head, it can be confirmed that there’s a problem inside its ears. The cleanliness of cat’s ears could be seen by noticing how many time it scratches its head. The more common it is, the dirtier its ears.

3. Hygienic and intact fur

Cat’s fur which have recovered from Flu is constantly hygienic because it constantly spends its time cleaning it. Also, cats that have recovered from Flu has strong, hard to fall out fur. Falling of fur in cats could indicates the existence of fungal parasite or other type of diseases. However, it’s needed to know that cat’s fur may fall out at certain phases of their lives, such as in mating season and pregnancy phases. If your cat is healthy but is suffering from hair loss problem, here’s some things you can give to your cat to prevent hair loss.

4. White teeth without spots

Cats that have recovered from Flu have strong and white teeth. Try to open their mouth and look closely at the hue of their mouth, if it clean hygienic white it means it has clearly recovered from Flu. But if there’s spots, especially if your cat doesn’t want to open its mouth for drinking and eating, your cats is not recovering from Flu and may have a toothache.

5. Pink gum

Apart from white clean teeth, pink colored gum also indicates a cat is recovering from Flu. On cats that have recovered primarily from Flu, their gums looks visibly red, so is their lips.

6. Smooth skin without bruises or scabs

Cats that have recovered from Flu could easily be noticed through their skin. If on the sides of its fur contains visible bruises or scabs, it means they haven’t recovered from Flu. Dried scabs on male cats could be caused by quarreling with other cats, and should be treated immediately to prevent open and infected wounds, which may rot. Other than that, high quantities of scabs indicates high amount of parasites. Common parasites that usually infects cats are ticks and fungi.

7. Hygienic and not swollen anus

Cat’s anus could be a sign of recovering from Flu based on its digestive systems. On cats that have recovered from Flu, the anus looks visibly hygienic without black spots. Other than that, The anus of cats that have recovered from Flu did not appeared swollen.

Swollen anus indicates the abnormalities for fecal defecation, like too hard or too runny fecal matters (diarrhea). The anus of cats that have recovered from Flu also do not secretes flat worm and any other type of worms.

8. The feces of a cat that has recovered from Flu

The fecal matter of cats that have recovered from Flu should be seen like soft but solid bars. The color of the feces should be brownish yellow, not dark brown, black, and especially not green. If the feces turns from brown to green, this indicates that the cat has severe diarrhea.

9. Chubby stomach

On cats that have recovered from Flu, the stomach looks quite big, solid, and full. Full stomach is not the same as having bloated stomach. The way to know if cat has recovered from Flu or bloated stomach is to press its stomach lightly. If it feels dense, it means your cat’s stomach is bloated and hasn’t recovered from Flu.

10. Hygienic and strong claws

Cats that have recovered from Flu has strong claws. The claws of a normal cat should be strong because it is consisted of bone structures. On cats that haven’t recovered fro Flu, the claws looks dull (or even blackish) and breaks easily. If your cat’s paws are cracked, you might wanna read our article on dealing with cracked paws.

11. Cat’s breaths sounds normal

Cat’s breath also indicates its recovery from Flu. Cat’s breath which has recovered from Flu doesn’t make any sound, and surely not coughing.

12. Odorless mouth

The mouth of a cats that have recovered from  Flu doesn’t emit any odor when they meows. If their mouths smells a bit rot and fishy, it’s a sign of stomach or respiratory problems.

13. Moist nose

The nose of cats that have recovered from Flu are not too runny and not too dry, and also does not contain any fungi on the sides. The moist level of cats nose could be a standard in determining if they have internal diseases or not.

14. Cheerful and agile

Cats that have recovered from Flu are cheerful and friendly because they are not withstanding any type of pain. Their appetite tends to be normal (not changing drastically) and feels hunger and eats normally.

And that are the signs of cats recovering from Flu! Don’t forget to treat your cat with proper care when it got the Flu so it may feel better soon. Be sure to check our other articles about heart diseases in cats too if you’re interested. See you on our next article!