What Makes Cockatiel and Cockatoo Different?

Hello, our outstanding and respectable readers. Are you animal lovers especially bird lovers? Then you have come to the right place. We have several kinds of guides and tips for any problems related to animal husbandry, ranging from pet such as dogs, cats, parrots, macaws, hamster and even some exotic animals. So, are you ready […]

How to Train Your Cockatiel to Talk Faster

Folks, let me elucidate the definition about faster in here – in the case of how to train your cockatiel to talk faster; faster in this particular case of training cockatiel is the fast time which is needed by you cockatiel pet to learn. There is no quick method or shortcut way to make your […]

What Are The Causes Of A Cockatiel Bird Loss Of Voice?

It should be so happy when you have a birdsong which can sing beautifully, isn’t it? It feels like it can be coloring your day by using their voice. As we know that voice is main weapon of birdsong to catch somebody’s attention. Well how is come that the birdsong lost their voice? Basically there […]

8 Things You Should Know Before Keep Cockatiels

Have you ever considered having a bird as your companion? Cockatiel may come to your mind as one of your choices. Cockatiel is the smaller version of parrot. Not only it has beautiful look, it also has the intelligence and advantages of cockatiel that will keep your amusement level in check. However, you should not […]

Is Keeping Cockatiels Need to Be in Pairs?

Did you just adopt a cockatiel recently? If so, you will need to learn a lot more about your beloved pet bird. Knowing its personality, habit and daily care will help you to take care of your cockatiel better. However, there is one question remains within bird community when it comes to cockatiels. Is keeping […]

6 Disadvantages of Keeping Cockatiels as Your Pet

Bird is a very favorable pet. Not only it can be a good companion during alone time, some birds also produce sounds that make your house livelier. Moreover, bird does not always need to be free like any other pet since you can still enjoy their company when they are still inside cage. It is […]