Warning Signs That Your Dog Might Get Fungal Infection On Skin

Fungal infection or yeast infection is the most common skin disease for dogs. This skin problems for a pet is mostly harmless, however, if you ignore the fungal infection on your lovely pets, it can grow into much more dangerous yeast or fungal infection. To prevent much more harm being done to your dogs, you […]

Many Owner Aren’t realize These Skin Problems Might Attack Their dog

Skin problems are quite common medical problems for a pet dog. A dog can be quite prone to skin problems like infection, inflammation, scabies, and many more. Many owners don’t even realize that their lovely canine is suffering from these skin problems. If you don’t keep your dog’s hygiene then your dog might be more […]

5 Medical Reasons Your Pet Dog Might Be Itching

Itchy skin or in veterinary term is pruritus is a common medical problem for mammals pet like canine or cat, however, dog is more prone to get this medical problem. Some people might think that itchy skin in their dog isn’t really a big deal however, If not treated carefully, it can lead to many […]

How to Make Your Dog Adaptable to its surrounding

Dog is an amazing creature, very brave, loyal, and especially cute. No wonder dog becomes one of the most popular pet in the world. People love to get a dog, and getting a dog is an amazing experience. You can get a new dog by buying them in a pet shop, trusted breeders, adopt it […]

10 Healthy Reasons To Regularly Groom Your Dog

Some people may groom their dog to maintain their dog clean an some even only groom their dog if their dog is dirty. However, the ideal time to regularly grooming a dog is based on the dog type of breed, the weather and also the circumstances cleanness. However there are more than keeping the dog […]

5 Simple Tips to Help an Adopted Dog Adjusted to a New Home

Dog is man best friend, and getting a dog is an amazing experience. If you decided to adopt a new dog or puppies then you might need to think about a lot of things. Dog is a brave, loyal and strong creature, however, they also need time to adapt to the new environment. Like any […]

3 Tips to Treat Dog’s Ear Infection with Monistat

Dog ear infection is an infection that can affect three different parts of dog’s ear; outer, middle, and inner (also called otitis externa, otitis media, and otitis interna). Most dog’s ear infections are in the outer ear only and can be treated easily with home treatment. Infections of middle and inner part of ear are […]

3 Simple Steps to Treat Dog Ear Infection with Apple Cider Vinegar

Dog ear infection is infection occurred in dog’s ear. It can affect 3 different parts of dog’s ear, outer, middle, and inner ear (also called otitis externa, otitis media, and otitis interna). Most dog’s ear infections occurred in outer part only and can be treated easily, even with home treatment. Infections of middle and inner […]

How To Treat A Dog That Has Trouble Walking

Have a dog is reaĺly fun, we can play with him; you can take your dog to the beach let’s see how the tips on some tips for taking your dog to the beach, otherwise while in the beach you have to use your supervision, Why? Let’s take a look at this tip on how to […]

Best Ways to Train an Adopted Stray Dog at Home

*Barks Hello there, fellow dog lovers! How are you and your dog doing? We hope you guys will always be healthy and happy every day and more. Hey, have you guys done some of our experiment? The experiment of taming a stray dog and bringing them home thus adopting them? If yes, probably you guys […]