Is it possible to do feeding Dogs by Giving Vegetables? What to Know?

Keeping dog as pet at home was one of the most incredible experience. There’s so many things about dog that make people love this particular animal, they were perfect obedience pet and let’s talk about dog’ loyalty to their owners – there’s no pet animal that could ever compared to this lovely creature. Furthermore, although […]

Kinds of Vegetables that can be Eaten by Hamsters

Hamster’ health should be our first priority as their owners. We have to keep everything as it’s should be to make sure our hamsters would always fit and in a good condition, these are included maintain the cleanliness of hamster’ cage and all equipment inside hamster’ cage such as toys, bedding, food and water containers. […]

What Types of Fruits that can be Eaten by Hamster

As hamster’ owners we bear responsibility to keep out hamster’ in their prime state of health. Although, yes, we couldn’t prevent some of deadly diseases such as cancer and tumor – but, we certainly can’t prevent some infection on hamsters to go in advanced stage. Infection occurred mostly repercussions of untreated open wounds; this happened […]