3 Types of infection on Hamsters; Does Antibiotic Suitable for Handling them?

The environment was one of the factors that maintain hamster’s health condition. Therefore, environment enrichment was important, this is already included toys for hamster, such as the ball, exercise wheel, chew toys, and many more. But, you need to choose safe toys for your beloved one: improper toys was one of the most common cause […]

6 Ways on How to Handle an Eye Infection on Dogs

Dog become one of the most popular animals to take as a pet, just like a cat. There are a lot of dog with their own characteristic. In keeping dog, there should be some problems or disease that could attack a dog such as eye infection. Eye infection should be treated fast and accurate by […]

How to Treat Chicken’s Infection

Having a poultry farm and raising chickens is a bit complex things. But chickens itself is one of a productive animal we can raise. They have become a commodity and the demand for chickens rarely fell down. Almost all part of chickens can be consumed by people and they also provide eggs that give us […]