6 Most Dangerous Lizard in the World

Lizard is a type of reptile that is very much in the world. Researchers have found about 40 types of lizards scattered in the world. However, despite their sinister appearance, some of them can be exotic pets. Of course, not all of them can be pets, because some of them should be watched out and […]

7 List of World’s Lizard Species

Lizards are one of the reptilian animals that generally have scales and quadrupeds. However, there are some lizards that don’t have legs and tend to resemble snakes. They appear to have oily scales, but actually their skin is dry because they don’t have pores on their skin to produce oil. Well, lizards spread almost everywhere […]

10 Ways To Raise a Healthy Chameleon

Who’s here familiar with the Chameleon? Chameleons are one unique species that takes a special kind of person to love and raise. They are best known for their colour changing features that blends them with their current backgrounds – a real treat to the eye. They are unique magical animals, but with such beauty comes […]

13 Tips In Constructing Your Lizard’s Living Spaces

Lizards has been growing as an increasingly popular choice for pets, due to their low maintenance. Enthusiasts have been ethically breeding them as well. Even so, raising a lizard still requires special care. One important factor to consider, that is often underestimated, is preparing their cages beforehand. If you’re considering on adopting one of your […]