3 Important Things Every Owner Should Know About Antibiotics for Dog

If you wonder about antibiotics for dog, these 3 important things every owner must know about antibiotics for dog before giving them to your dog. Many people take care them as pets at home. A healthy and strong dog needs special care. The dogs can be said health if they are really taken care of starting from treatment to the veterinarian. Some veterinarians provide antibiotic. They will give it to your dog if your dog experiences a deep wound or pain. According to James Hughes of Emory University, published in February by the Journal of the American Medical Association, as much as 50% of antibiotic use is not necessary or inappropriate.

Antibiotics are chemicals which function to suppress or stop the process of infection by bacteria. Many antibiotics used in humans and animals are the same. However, you must remember that the dosage can be very different in weight, metabolism, and the composition of ingredients. Therefore, you cannot carelessly take antibiotics designed for humans and then give them to your dog. One thing you have to remember, if you give antibiotics inappropriately, your dog can experience an allergic reaction, swelling, and even inflammation. Here are the valuable information about 3 important things every owner should know about antibiotics for the dog.

1. Types of antibiotics for dog

Some types of antibiotics vary depending on the diagnosis of the type of microorganism that causes infection in your dog. They can include bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The veterinarians will provide antibiotics to treat your dog after they diagnose an infection and type of microorganism.

a. Bacteria

These microorganisms come in various shapes and sizes. Veterinarians will be able to determine what bacteria are by recognizing their physical characteristics. Bacteria will attack your dog’s body through its open wounds and digested. Infection caused by bacteria such as skin infections, urinary tract, pneumonia, and other diseases. If you allow bacteria to multiply in your dog’s body, your dog becomes sicker. Giving antibiotics can destroy bad cells that can prevent the ability of bacteria reproduction. Antibiotics also can make bacteria die of starvation. Even though bacteria damage cells are bad but they do not damage your dog’s healthy cells.

Antibiotics commonly given to dogs caused by bacteria include:

  • Enrofloxacin (Baytril) – respiratory, skin and urinary tract infections
  • Amoxicillin / Clavulanic acid (Clavamox) – sores, respiratory infections, skin infections
  • Metronidazole (Flagyl) – gastrointestinal disorders, periodontal disease
  • Clindamycin (Antirobe) – bacterial, soft tissue, bone and tooth infection

b. Virus

Viruses are parasites that are very small and are one-hundred of the size of bacteria and can multiply in the living cells of other organisms. Viruses can make your dog very sick because the virus is able to make many diseases in the body.

Antibiotics for this type of viral infection are basically just as prevention of growth and reproduction of the virus. Although it only prevents, antibiotics will be able to treat viral infections by alleviating the symptoms of your dog. Some anti-virus drugs for dogs include Pradofloxacin (Veraflox) – upper respiratory tract infections, Cephalexin (Keflex) – skin, urinary tract, and respiratory tract infections, Ampicillin – gastrointestinal problems.

c. Fungi

Dog disease that usually occurs by fungi such as ringworm infection, skin, ear fungus, or serious and deadly blastomycosis. The way the fungus works that causes infection in dogs is by swallowing the raw materials of the dog’s cells, destroying the growth tissue. Anti-fungi antibiotics are made to destroy the cell of the fungus so that the parasites die and rejuvenate the surrounding tissue. Common anti-fungi antibiotics for dogs include: Griseofulvin (Fulvicin) – ringworm infection, Ketoconazole (Nizoral) – internal and external fungal infections, Cushing’s disease, Fluconazole (Diflucan) – skin infections, yeast and ringworm infections, Amphotericin B (Fungizone) – histoplasmosis and blastomycosis infections

2. When the owner provides antibiotics for dog

At this time, at least you already know what infections dogs have and have had antibiotics at home for your dog. It is advisable to contact the veterinarian first to ensure and ask for the right medical advice for your dog. Even though antibiotics are the same as those consumed by humans, it can be different. Antibiotic treatment needed with medical advice as well, you can provide antibiotics with adequate doses and a sufficient period of time.

3. How to give antibiotics for dog

There are three forms of antibiotics for dogs. They can be in the form of pills, fluids, or injections. You can give antibiotics for dog based on these form. First, giving antibiotics in the form pill needs patience. There are several cases where dogs will be reluctant to take these pills. This may not be an easy task for you to give it to your dog. You can give the pills that has been destroyed and you can hide them in food and water. For example, you can make a small ball of food and put the pill into a food ball. Another example, you can also immediately put a resting pill in the dog’s mouth and close it immediately. Then you can blow your dog’s face or nose lightly. This will help your dog swallow the pill.

Second, giving the type of liquid antibiotic, you must be able to mix it with sharp foods such as canned food or meat. Third, you can try a hypodermic needle for the last way. This device will help you put the medicine behind your dog mouth. Beside using this device, pipettes can also be an option device for you. Pipettes usually can be purchased at drug stores. For the best result, you have to insert the liquid antibiotics slowly to avoid your dog choking.

3 of these important things every dog owner should know about antibiotics for the dog so that you will not be in a hurry and carelessly to choose antibiotics and gives them forcibly to your dog. In conclusion, you have to determine what infection your dog has, prepare the right antibiotic and give it according to the appropriate dose and time. However, even though this article has discussed 3 important things every dog owner should know about antibiotics for the dog, make sure you consult to the vet before giving them to your dog.