7 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Smelly Dog Odor

Does your dog have a smelly dog odor? This is a problem that is very disturbing for you. Even, this smelly dog ​​odor can also smell in your home. Even though, you really love your dog like a family member. Of course, you might not like it if your dog smells. In fact, you don’t […]

6 Common Reasons Your Dog Smells Really Bad

Have you ever heard that there are many people don’t like dogs because dog smells really bad? In fact, dogs should not smell bad. Usually, this is because of the absence of overall treatment. This smell eventually is a problem. As a dog lover, you might be concerned if this happens that people think the […]

5 Side Effects of Neutering Your Pet Dog (Important To Know!)

Do you have a pet dog at home that has so many offspring at this time? Or does your pet dog often go out of the house during the mating season? It sometimes does not return home for days because of that. Due to the hassle and worry of taking care of your dog and its abundant […]

3 Important Things Every Owner Should Know About Antibiotics for Dog

If you wonder about antibiotics for dog, these 3 important things every owner must know about antibiotics for dog before giving them to your dog. Many people take care them as pets at home. A healthy and strong dog needs special care. The dogs can be said health if they are really taken care of […]

11 Effective Ways to Keep off Flea from Biting your Dog

Who wants to be bitten by fleas? No one wants. Fleas and their bites can become annoying and unhealthy problems. Especially, if this attacks your pet dog. The problem of fleas in dogs makes you frustrated. You are afraid your dog will become unhealthy. These fleas will really kill your dog slowly. Don’t worry, you […]

8 Side Effects of Giving Antibiotics to Your Pet Dog

As a dog lover, you always want your dog happy and healthy. If your dog is sick, you will give the most effective medicine. Deciding what medicine for your dog is, you always ask about the benefits and risks. One of the medicines that common people usually give to the dog is antibiotics. Before giving […]

Is Garlic Safe For Dogs? Get to Know 6 Facts Here

Is garlic safe for dogs? As a dog lover, you may have heard about this issue. Then, you try to find out about the right answer. A lot of positive and negative information you get about garlic for dogs. Some say that garlic can kill dogs. On the other hand, some argue that garlic is […]